You Said Forever....

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         It was a quiet afternoon at NCIS headquarters. Three out of four members of Team Gibbs sat at their desks working. Just than the elevator dinged and out stepped two familiar faces. The silence of the bullpen was interrupted by the two stepping off the elevator which caused the rest the team to look up.  They all knew the director and Gibbs were together heck they had been married three years so it was no secret. Yet the team still enjoyed spying and watching the two and their interactions. They all sat there watching as the two stepped off the elevator and were already arguing. 

       "See Jethro I told you I wasn't sick!" The redhead snapped as she made her way out of the elevator and towards the stairs hoping to head up to her office. 

                "Damnit Jen! I was worried okay, you never were like that and I was concerned."

                             "You know what you should be concerned about.." 

                                      "What is that?" 

                                                "Me killing you when you least expect it." 


        "Because you did this to me!" She said walking up and disappearing into her office followed by Gibbs. There was a door slammed and the three agents were up and outside the door in seconds listening. The sign outside the door read Director Jennifer Gibbs  and it had for the last year. 

                       "You complaining about it? I thought that was what you always wanted!" The three agents could hear him snap at the redhead who stood opposite of him. 

     "It is what I wanted.. One day. I just didn't expect it so soon." 

                  "We aren't getting any younger Jen!"

                            "So you're saying you did this on purpose!" That got Jenny's anger boiling as she narrowed her eyes at her husband. 

             "No! I didn't try to do it on purpose it just happened okay.." 

                         "Yeah well it's still your fault." 

                                    "If it's really that bad get them terminated.." 

                                                "Jethro.... Tell me you didn't just say that.." 

    "What? Abortion. Yeah I said that.. They way you're making this sound its like the world is coming to an end. If you really don't want that then stop it before it begins." 

                         "Damn you Jethro." Something smashed against the door and the team jumped back realizing Gibbs must have been right there. 

                                   "Jen the choice is yours.. whatever you choose is fine with me. I want you Jen and whatever you want is what i'll gladly take.." 

           "Jethro I'm not terminating this pregnancy.. Its just I wasn't expecting twins.. " 

                        "Neither was I.." 

                                  "We gotta stop this.." 

 "Stop what Jen?" 

                   "These useless fights that get us no where... Maybe one step closer to separating but other than that these fights get us no where." 

Jibbs One Shots: Volume I Where stories live. Discover now