Memorial Day Special

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        It was a beautiful day sun was shinning, no clouds in the sky. The streets were lined with people including a certain family. A ten year old little boy with brown hair and green stands beside his father who happens to be a certain silver haired blue eyed agent. On her father's shoulders sat a five year old brown haired blue eyed girl. It was just those three standing in a crowd of over a hundred waiting for the parade to come through. The brown haired boy looked up towards his father tugging on his sleeve. Glancing down at his son he raised an eyebrow before speaking.

        "Yes Jackson?" He said as he slowly brought his daughter off her shoulder as she started patting his head wanting down to go collect the candy that was coming soon. 

         "Where's mommy?" He asked taking a look around before glancing back up at his father. Gibbs let out a sigh as he looked out towards his daughter. 

        "Paula stay close you don't wanna get hit by a fire truck! Jackson.. I think I know but i'm not sure bud.." He knew where his wife was but at the moment he wasn't ready to tell his son that his mother was going to miss the parade.. It was nothing new though, the first three parades with Jackson and Jasper she had been there, then the next two she hadn't come. That year they had lost their youngest son but had been blessed with a little girl at the end of that year. She had gone to the first two with her daughter but the last three she had now not shown up. Instead she would sit at the cemetery before it go too crowded. 

     Gibbs stood there with a smile on his face as he watched his kids collect the candy that the people were throwing at them. He stood there thinking about his wife and how she was right now.. He had promised her that he would take the kids to the parade, but deep down he was worried about her always was..


       Red hair flowed in the wind that seemed to surround the cemetery. Just like at the parade the sky was clear and the sun was shinning down the only difference was the wind. Two older people slowly walked up behind the woman. They stood side by side stopping a few feet behind the woman as the man slowly spoke..

         "Jennifer?" Turning she glanced towards the couple that stood behind her as she ran into their waiting arms. Tears slowly ran down her cheeks as she hugged the two. The red haired woman who stood beside the man slowly rubbed the younger woman's back as they stood there. 

      Jillian Shepard had been living in La since the death of her husband. Her youngest daughter had stayed behind as she left with her oldest. They hadn't kept in touch or seen each other for years. Jillian had been surprised when she received and invitation to her daughter's wedding 11 years ago but she had been quick to accept. While in the DC area she had met a man who had much in common with her. They had both lost their spouse and hadn't heard from their children for years. They had met at the hotel they were staying at and had exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch. That they did because now here they stood as a couple comforting Jillian's daughter. 

      Jackson Gibbs stood beside Jillian as he held his daughter in law looking towards the woman who stood beside him as he gave a weak smile. Jackson had met Jillian 11 years ago when he was invited to his son's wedding. It wasn't till they got to the church that they realized they were there for the same reason, to see their children being brought together by marriage. Jackson and Jillian had stayed friends until three years ago when Jennifer and Jethro had told them that it was fine if they wanted to be together. Jackson and Jillian had said that they would never remarry and they respect that, but that didn't keep the two from not seeing each other. Married or not they seemed like a married couple and never gave up on each other. Jillian had moved to Stillwater five years ago but had moved in with Jackson three years ago. Now here they stood with their family, they had moved closer only a few months ago and were still trying to get use to the area. 

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