Chapter 20

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Swiftfeather wakes on a peaceful sunny day in the leader's den. Only one thing feels missing.

Where is Fogstar? Swiftfeather thinks worriedly Oh, never mind that! He's probably out being a leader while I'm sleeping like a log! She yawns and stretches so far she can reach both walls of the den. Outside her cozy den Swiftfeather sees Whitebelly happily organizing patrols.

"Hey, Swiftfeather!" Whitebelly meows "Do you want to join this border patrol?"

"Of course!" Swiftfeather meows, excited she can finally help her clan. Sunflame and Pinespike walk in front while Swiftfeather and Twigpaw pad right behind them.

"Twigpaw?" Pinespike asks, his spiky fur bouncing while he walks

"Yeah?" Twigpaw asks cautiously, afraid he'll ask her about Cloudpaw

"Is today your first border patrol? Do you want some help?" Pinespike meows while glaring at Swiftfeather

"Yes! But Swiftfeather can help me because, um, she is my mentor and everything. Thanks." Sunflame and Pinespike let out a huge chuckle while Swiftfeather glances at her joking apprentice with a smile. Once the four cats have the border within sight they see a small group of cats patiently waiting for a patrol. "Are they going to attack us? I'll be ready!" Twigpaw meows while digging her claws into the soft dirt.

"Not yet. Sunflame and I will ask them what they want." Pinespike meows. Twigpaw sighs but before two two toms walk any farther Swiftfeather stops them.

"Wait!" I think that's Mudfoot and her apprentice Leafpaw with a warrior." Swiftfeather meows

"Well, what difference does that make?" Sunflame asks impatiently

"Mudfoot is ShadowClan's medicine cat!" Swiftfeather meows, also losing her patience

"Oh. Sorry." Sunflame asks while staring at the solid brown she-cat "You guys go ahead." Swiftfeather nods her head with a smile and beckons Twigpaw with her tail. The two WindClan she-cats get closer and closer to the wide-eyed ShadowClan cats."Hello Mudfoot, Leafpaw." Swiftfeather meows while Twigpaw nods her head to the other apprentice.

"We need to talk to Stripetail about some herbs. We are running low on some and... we need them." Mudfoot meows, trying not to sound too desperate. The ShadowClan warrior that was with them gets up and pads away without listening to the rest of the conversation.

"Please? Take us to Stripetail and Mintpaw." Leafpaw chimes in. Mudfoot eyes him and mutters something.

"I'm sure it's alright if you need to talk to the medicine cats." Swiftfeather meows and tells the ShadowClan cats to follow her towards the camp.

"What do they want?" Sunflame asks

"They need some herbs or something." Twigpaw replies to the orange and golden tom.

"Then I'll go ahead and tell Fogstar and Stripetail." Sunflame meows, eyeing the other cats

"Thanks!" Swiftfeather meows to Sunflame, but he is already dashing towards the camp.

When the patrol makes it to the camp Fogstar pauses his talk with Whitebelly and waves his tail at the visitors.

"Hello Mudfoot! Hello Leafpaw! Welcome to WindClan! The medicine cat den is right there." The fluffy gray leader meows with his tail pointing towards Stripetail. The two ShadowClan cats speedwalk into the den and their stinking scent is masked by the smell of herbs.

Spoiler... Only five more chapters... I know, sniff sniff. But don't worry. I'm working on the second book! Don't be shy, vote and comment! ~Swift

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