Chapter 21

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Swiftfeather bathes in the sun next to Fogstar before the sun goes down. She gazes at the medicine cat den and wonders what Mudfoot and Leafpaw needed and why they needed it.The fluffy gray leader meows with his tail pointing towards Stripetail. her ears prick as Mintpaw sleepily walks out of the den. Mintpaw gives a sort-of half smile and pads over to her parents.

"You want to know, don't you?" Mintpaw meows with a real smile.

"Know what?" Swiftfeather smiles and meows guiltily

"I think it is okay if she knows. After all, she brought them here." Fogstar chimes in while looking at the gray and white apprentice.

"Fine!" Mintpaw meows as if she had to "All they needed was some comfrey. It is very hard to find in their territory and the complete opposite here."

"Okay. Thanks!" Swiftfeather meows lovingly to her daughter as Rabbitpaw pads over.

"Want a rabbit?" Rabbitpaw meows while Cloudpaw stands behind her, rolling his eyes

"Sure!" Swiftfeather and Fogstar meow in unison

"You better ask who caught it or she'll standing there for an entire season." Cloudpaw meows, his meow thick with annoyance

"Did you catch that?" Swiftfeather exclaims while standing up. Rabbitpaw nods her head while she smiles the biggest smile ever. Everyone congratulates Rabbitpaw on catching her very first rabbit. Fogstar, Swiftfeather and Rabbitpaw dig into the fresh and delicious rabbit while Mintpaw and Cloudpaw walk towards the prey pile. Once Mintpaw picks out a small thrush and Cloudpaw picks out a mouse the littermates plop down next to each other.

"It's a pretty big deal when you catch your first rabbit, I'm guessing." Mintpaw meows while plucking some of the feathers off her prey.

"Yeah. Rabbitpaw caught a rabbit while all I caught was a cloud... her cloud of dust when she took off to be exact." Cloudpaw meows with a sad look on his face.

"Don't be sad." Twigpaw meowed while sitting down on the other side of Cloudpaw. "I loved your joke. And don't worry, I haven't caught a rabbit either."

"You love cats want to know what's a big deal for me?"

"Hey!" Cloudpaw meows with an embarrassed smile "And yeah, sure."

"I have to deliver a queen's kits. Lucky you when you can catch a rabbit anytime. I have to wait until Whispercloud has her kits."

"And lucky me. I don't want to see that so soon." Cloudpaw meows with a shudder. Mintpaw and Twigpaw chuckle and go back to eating their delicious prey.

Heh... Who ships Cloudpaw and Twigpaw?? I certainly do! XD thanks for reading and please vote and comment! ~Swift

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