Do i like daehyun again?

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Hyora's POV

I think i chose the right decision. To break up with Zelo. Zelo is a better couple with Sora...... Anyways..... *sigh* i need to forget about this. Just then daehyun came outside and sat next to me. I was really thankful for him cuz he didn't ask anything about what just happened. I started crying again. Just then he pulled me in his arms and said,

"I don't want to see ur tears falling out of ur eyes anymore. If ur sad i'm sad. If ur happy i'm happy. So please forget about Zelo now."

What? I didn't even tell him about Zelo and i, but he knew? But how? I didn't want to speak so i just nodded. I felt Daehyun's heart beats, i calmed my self and i stopped crying. Daehyun's heart was beating so fast. But not just his, also mine. I didn't know why it was beating fast. Wait do i like Daehyun again? Daehyun was meant for me in the first place. I shouldn't of gave up my love for him in the first place. Then i wouldn't of been heart broken over Zelo. I-i think i like you Daehyun.

Daehyun's POV

I pulled Hyora to my chest. I said the most cheesiest thing in the world but i don't care. Thats how i really felt about Hyora. I hope she doesn't notice my heart that is beating infinity times per minute. I pulled her out of the hug and looked at her in the eyes and asked

"I think i fell in love with you Hyora. I won't ask you to be my girl friend yet tho. Because i don't think ur over with Ze-" i was cut off by Hyora because she pulled me closer to her face. Her face was literally five cms apart from mine. I felt my cheeks heat up.

"I'm over Zelo. And guess what? I fell in love with someone too! He is kind, he LOVES cheesecake and he is sitting right infront of me and he's name is Da-" now i cut her off with a kiss.

"Jung Daehyun." I said while we were kissing. It was pretty long haha for the first time. I felt her lips curve in a smile.

"So..... Can i ask you to be my girl friend?"

"You already know the answer daehyun! Ur smart right?"

"So thats a yes?"

"No duh?? I love you!"

"YESSSSS I DID IT!!!" I screamed it so loud that the whole neighbor hood probably heard xP. I was so happy!! Maybe even mire happy when Yuri accepted my confession. Just then i saw a tall kid walk around the corner of the sidewalk and turn back and walk back. He looked familiar. It was Zelo. I didn't bother running to him. I was to busy with Hyora.

Zelo's POV

I couldn't understand why Hyora broke up with me so i decided to walk to her house even tho it was midnight well almost 1. Hyora's House was three blocks away from my house so it didn't take long. Just when i was about to walk the corner, i heard someone screaming "YESSSSSSS I DID IT!!" I didn't know who is was but as soon as i turned the corner, i spotted Daehyun and Hyora sitting on the stairs of Hyora's front porch. I met eyes with daehyun so i turned back and walked home.

*sigh* "now i can move on to another love with Sora." I mumbled these words to myself. I was shocked she was now going out with Daehyun. Well she liked him in the first place so yeah.... It started raining so i rain home.

~~~~~~~~~ the next day~~~~~~

Hyora's POV

I woke up and i smelt PAN CAKES!! OMG DID MY MOM MAKE SOMETHING FOR ME??? YAY!! I quickly went in the shower and got dressed. I ran down stairs. I was expecting my mom to be standing in the kitchen but then it was Daehyun!! Oh yeah im so stupid my parents went to a business trip yesterday! How stupid can i be?? I also forgot that Daehyun slept over lol.

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