Part 28

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Daehyun's POV

"I said who is he?" Hyora said and pointed to my direction. I thought there was a person standing behind me and she was pointing to the person so i looked back, but there was no one.

"Stop joking Hyora~~" Yuri said

"Um...... I'm not joking!! Yuri seriously this person is freaking me out. Why is he here anyways? Ya Baekhyun are you ok?? Ur frozen~~" i met eyes with her and she politely bowed to me. "Annyeong haseyo...... Um can i ask you what ur name is?"

Those words broke my heart in to a million pieces. My tears were threatening to come out but i held it in and said " im Jung Daehyun."

"Nice to meet you." She was so polite but we she talks to Yuri ad Baekhyun, she's normal. "Ya yuri i wanna go home and see everyone!! When can i go home?"

Just then the doctor came in and called Yuri, Baekhyun and I. We were led to a room.

"I'm very sorry this happened to you Daehyun-ssi. She remembers everything perfectly except for you."

"Why is it only me? Why did she only forget me?" Tears were forming in my eyes again.

"Many people lose memories of the person she is thinking about while the accident happens. So that means, when Hyora-ssi was hit by the truck, she was most likely think about you."

Without saying anything, i ran out of the room and ran back to my dorm.

Baekhyun's POV

When Daehyun left, me and Yuri didn't even bother to chase him because we were so shocked.

"B-but is she ever going to regain her memory?" Yuri asked letting a tear out.

"She might or might not. We can't judge if she will or will not right now."

When she said that, yuri cried. I let a tear escape my eyes too. I couldn't believe it.

Yuri and i walked back to Hyora's room and she was talking with the nurse. We opened the room. I think she saw our dry tears on our cheeks.

"Why were you guys crying?"

"D-did you really forget about daehyun?"

"I forgot?? I don't even know him, how would i forget a person i haven'e even met."

"He was your boyfriend!! He loves you but he fell on top of Hyosung unnie and he lied that nothing happened and....... And ......" Yuri said but she couldn't finish because of her flowing tears.

Hyora's POV

What are they talking about? My head hurts so much. I don't know the Daehyun guy. Why is everyone tell me stuff about this guy? My head started to hurt even more when i started think of what Yuri just said to me. And i fainted.

Baekhyun's POV

"OH MY GOSH WHAT HAPPENED HYORA!!" Yuri said and i looked at Hyora and she was fainted on the hospital bed.

I quickly pressed the emergency button and the doctor came immediately.

"What happened?" The doctor asked

"We were talking about daehyun with her."

"She fainted because of that. You can never make her regain her memory. When ever she tries to, her head starts to have a confusion and she faints. So NEVER make her remember. Some people regain their memory by revisiting places that they went that were really important to her."

"Thats it. Yuri we should go to where daehyun and hyora went for their first date. She might regain her memory there."

"Thats a great idea. Doctor, when can Hyora be released?"

"She can go already because there aren't any issues with her speaking or anything."

"Ok thank you." I said and we left the hospital.

I quickly called Daehyun.

"Yoboseyo? Daehyun?"

*sniff* "what."

"Where was the first date you had with Hyora?"

"Lotte world. Why?"

"The doctor said that some people regain their memory by revisiting places that was important for her. So are you gonna come?"

"I don't know...... My face is a mess right now."

"I'll pick you up in thirty minutes so get ready."


He said and hung up. "Ya yuri daehyun said that he's coming with us."

"Wait where are we going?"

"Keke u will see later."

We arrived at daehyun's dorm. I honked and he came out. He said in the passenger's seat and the girls were in the back.

"Ok so enjoy the ride~"

*skip the car ride*

Oh my gawd the car ride was to silent cuz hyora and Yuri were asleep. Ok what ever, we arrived to Lotte World.


Yuri got up first. "WHOA LOTTE WORLD!!! YAY!!! C'MON HYORA WAKE UP!!"

She woke up and rubbed her eyes. "Oh~~ LOTTE WORLD~ i came her with someone once!"

"Omg do you remember who it is?"

"Naw~~ it was a long time ago and i was with a girl i think."

Oh man! I thought she remembered.

So we got out of the car and went in.

"Ya daehyun, which one did you go on first?" I whispered to him.

"We went on the pirate boat one first."

We went online for it but since we had VIP passes, (which were kinda expensive) we went in first. The worker shoved us in so we couldn't pick our seats. I was at the end. Hyora was next to me and yuri was next to her and daehyun was next to her.

Hyora's POV

It really felt like i came here once with a boy, at the parking lot, i lied that i went with a girl because i wasn't sure. But now i remember that it was a boy. But i can't remember who it was. Just then something popped in my mind. *hyora, i love you* WHO IS THIS BOY? HIS FACE IS THE ONLY PART THAT IS BLURRY AND I CAN'T SEE WHO IT IS! My head started hurting again. I put my head on Baekhyun's shoulder.

"Are you ok hyora?"

"Yeah im fine." He was really warm. Dejavu?

After the viking ride,
Since it was lunch, we got lunch. The boys were on the line and Yuri and i were sitting at the table.

"Did you remember anything?"

"No...... But i just remember that i came here with someone special."

"And the special person is......."

"I don't know. Thats the thing." Just then i felt something cold on my cheek. I looked back and it was Baekhyun holding a coke.

"Here i got you coke. And Yuri i got you nothing."


"No im just joking here." He gave her a sprite

"Aish baekhyun...."

Dejavu? Again? I feel like i was in a situation like this before. I was waiting and someone put a cold coke on my cheek. This is really weird.......

We went on many other rides and it was almost 8 o'clock so we started to go back to the parking lot. Just then baekhyun said

"LETS GO ON THE FERRIS WHEEL!!" He said while dragging everyone to it.

It was a four people ride. I sat next to yuri and in front of Baekhyun. Just ten he started to shake the seat when the ride started.


"Keke i like seeing you scared" he said and stared to shake it even harder. Yuri and daehyun were ok with it but i was so freakn scared.

"BAEHYUN-AH!! HAJIMA!!" Just then he fell on top of he cuz he was standing and shaking the seats.

"Whoa im so sorry he said and got off me.

I looked at yuri and this was her expression ((((;゚Д゚)))))))


Just then i remembered. I REMEMBERED!!! I CAME HERE WITH BAEKHYUN!! HE WAS MY BOYFRIEND!! I was so happy and i hugged him so tight.

"I'm so sorry i forgot. I remember now. Baekhyunnie~ im so sorry i missed you so much!!"

Yuri's POV


I was about to say that but Daehyun stopped me. WHAT?? WHY DID HE STOP ME?



HEY GUYS~~ IM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE..... I was busy..... Please forgive me
m(_ _)m*bows*


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