Chapter 7-Why?

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"What?!" She said shaking her not wanting to believe it. "No. No. That's not true!"

"What else is there to think?" I said not wanting to think that either. "Let's just get to her hotel. Maybe there's something there that can give us a hint to where she's at."

She nodded and we ran out the building.

Opal's POV

I looked myself in the broken mirror, seeing the blood trickling down my temple from when I slammed my head into it. "Look at you," I hissed at myself. "Disgusting. Hideous. Phsycotic. You're nothing more than shit."

I opened the drawer fast enough that it came flying out of the counter,with everything in it spilling everywhere. I dug through a lot of thing trying to find the blade.

Shaving cream. No. Hair brush no. Lotion? Since when do I have lotion? I threw that out of the room when I heard a door creak open. "Opal?Where are you?"


I quickly scurried to the door knob and slammed it shut and locked it. "OPAL!" I heard him shout through the door. I saw the knob trying to turn and I could tell Baron found out it was locked. "OPAL OPEN THIS GODDAMN DOOR!"

"NO!" I shouted feeling the hot tears coming my face. I crawled around the bathroom and finally found the knife. "I DON'T BELONG HERE! NOT IN THIS ATMOSPHERE!" I shouted holding the knife to my wrist.

I pressed the icy cold metal up against my skin and began pressing it harder. I felt the blade pierce through, noticing the blood coming through the cut.

I made the 2nd cut,more blood coming than the first. 3rd cut. 4.

The blood just started dripping to floor. My eyes are rolling, and I'm now drifting out of consciousness.

Baron's POV

I heard something fall. I couldn't hear Opal's sobs. I went full on panic mode. "Opal?!" I heard trying to turn the door knob. "Opal?! Come on please be tell this is some sick joke! If it was suppose to teach me a lesson then I learned it so open the door! BAYLEY!"

Bayley came rushing in from Opal's bedroom and saw that I was trying to open the door. I let out a scream of frustration and busted the door open with my foot.

I saw Opal on the floor, knocked out,blood everywhere.On her head,the floor, her wrist, the blade, her hands, even the mirror, which was broken. Everywhere. "Jesus Christ," I said getting on the lifting her upper body up. "No. No no no. You can't do this!PLEASE OPAL!"

I heard Bayley talking on the phone saying that they need an ambulance. That's when I noticed her little chest slowly going up and down. "Oh my god," I said with a wave of relief. "Thank god she's still alive."

I heard wheels squeaking and doctors and everyone came in with a stretcher. "Sir,she's gonna have to come with us. You're gonna have to come later for visitor hours," A doctor said putting his hand on my shoulder. I nodded and helped at least put Opal on the stretcher before they carried her away.

-FF to visitors hours at the hospital.

I walked inside the hospital where I could smell the scent of the chemicals, rubber, and bleach. God I hate that smell.

I walked up to the front desk and said, "What room is Opal Williams in?"

"Oh!" She said looking at me. "Room 367 on the third floor. You can take the elevator if you want." I nodded my head thank you and headed towards the elevator, got in, and hit the button for the third floor.

Opal's POV

I woke up in this,hospital bed? Why am I in a hospital bed? In fact, why the hell am I in the hospital? Did anyone call ambulance or something?

"Hey," I heard someone say kinda quietly. "You're awake." I looked towards the door seeing Baron leaning against the doorway.

"Hi," I said really almost like a whisper. I brought my hand out seeing a whole bunch of stuff in it. Needles. Eek,gives me the chills.

I pointed to a chair and said, "Sit down."

He stood up straight and sat in the chair next to me. "Why?" He said holding my hand, looking me right in the eyes.

"Why what?"

"Why did you do it?"

"Why did you help me to get here? I wanted to die,"I said.

"Because I wasn't gonna give up on you. I see the real you," He said."Now tell me, why did you do this?"

I sighed and shook my head holding back tears. "You swear you won't tell anybody?" He nodded. "I dreamed I was missing, you were so scared. But no one would listen, 'cause no one else cared. After my dreaming, I woke up with this fear. What am I leaving when Im done here?"

"Opal," He said putting his hand in my cheek, moving a strain of hair and tucked it behind my ear. "Don't think that no one else cares. Everyone does."

"Baron I," I said holding his forearm,giving him a weak smile." I need to tell you something. When I said I needed time last week, I was really scared."

"I know," He said wiping the one tear with his thumb. "Bayley told me."

"Such a big mouth," I said chuckling a little. I'm surprised I'm not pissed at her, like how I usually am. Maybe because I wouldn't be right here with Baron. Maybe because she's actually my friend. Most people who I know have a big mouth aren't exactly friendly.

"Opal," Baron said. "I really,really,like you."

"I really really really really really like you," I sang jokingly with him. He laughed at me for a couple of minutes before I said, "I really like you too. And I don't think I need time on this one."

"I'm glad you said that,"He said. I leaned in and so did he. And we kissed. I felt the fireworks go flying everywhere.

We separated from the kiss before Baron said,"I love you Opal."

"And I love you too." I kissed him again and sat myself up. "So did you talk to the doctor?"

"Yeah," Baron said. "He said you can leave today if there's someone with you to drive. You didn't lose as much blood as they thought. Just enough that you'd pass out."

I got up and saw I was still in my clothes. I took out the IVs and would've fallen if it wasn't for Baron. He helped me up and we began to walked towards the exit and into the car.

"Baron," I said putting on my seatbelt. "I think it's time we form a team. And I don't mean two people. I'm talking about like 10 people. Like the new Nexus."

He turned his head at me smirking. "And people ask me what do I see in you?"

"Honestly, I don't know what you see in me. Not a lot of good things about me," I said leaning all the way against the seat. "But I'm gonna prove to everyone that there is good in me. There's a New Divide in town. And they love to kick people's asses."


Holy shit two chapters in one day!!So what did you think of it so far?Really good or really shitty??Be honest!!!

Edit: I have an answer!

It's really cringey😑😑

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