First Signing

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This one I just thought of on my own in the shower XD


I stepped inside the building, which was crowded of so many fans, who all lost their minds seeing me and the other WWE Superstars walk to our tables. The security finally undid the velvet looking rope, and my first ever WWE signing began. "Hi!" The first little girl says, holding her WWE Smackdown Women's title; "Can you sign this please?"

"Of course!" I smile; "What's your name pumpkin?"

"My name's Kimmie!" The girl says, handing me the title as I take the cap off the sharpie. "You're my favorite women's wrestler!"

"Aw that's so sweet of you Kimmie," I say smiling like a cheeky son a bitch. I signed her title and handed it back to her as she read it.

"Thank you so much!" She smiles as her hands being taken by who seemed to be her mother, leading her away.

"No problem sweetie!" I yell, hoping she would be able to hear me.

"So how do you feel about signings now kiddo?" Hunter asks, walking behind me.

"I mean I only met one person but so far I'm loving it!" I laugh, seeing a set of fraternal twin boys come up to me.

"Hi!" The one on the right says first, with the other on the left saying the same thing.

"Well hello there boys. What's your guys' names?" I say, being handed the two photos of me holding the Smackdown Women's title with my family. It made me smile. I haven't seen many of them in what seems like forever. I need to talk to my mom. Well, I try to call her when this signing's over. I hope she's okay. Then I see my dad, and I frowned. Damn I miss him. My mom has not been the same since everything  had happened.

"My name's Drake!" The one on the right say first, he seems a bit more upbeat than the other twin.

"I'm Josh," The other says kind of shyly. 

"Aw just like the show," I laugh. "You guys know it?"

"Yeah!" Drake smiles.

"Our mom and dad talk about it all the time and we watch it with them sometimes!" Josh then says, seeming to break out of his shell a little bit. 

"You two must have some good parents then," I laugh, signing their photos and handing it back to them; "Have good day Drake and Josh!"

They laughed and say as they leave, "You too miss!"

The next person that came was a older woman, holding a photo in her hand, with a sincere smile across her face. "Hello Miss Corbin," She says; "Would you please sign this for my grandson, Tyler?"

"Of course ma'am," I say, kindly taking the photo and signing it for her. "Was Tyler not able to make it here?"

"Well no, and he was suppose to but he had to go to the hospital for an emergency," She explains; "I'm not very familiar with this wrestling but I know fro sure that he loves to watch you."

"Oh no! That's terrible! How old is he?" I ask, writing 'Get well soon Tyler :)'

"He's 11," She explains.

"Oh man that stinks. I really hope he gets better soon," I say, handing her back the photo. 

"Oh and, he asked me to give you this note. If that's okay with you," She says, taking a small folded piece of paper. "It would really mean a lot to him if you read it."

"Of course. I always read letters from people. Besides the bills," I chuckle.

"Ain't that the truth?" She laughs. "Okay I'll get going soon. Have a nice day Miss."

"You too ma'am," I smile, setting the letter down on my lap.


'Dear Lyssa Corbin,

My name is Tyler Lawrence III, and I am 11 years old. You are my favorite women's wrestler of all time! And my mom and dad loved watching your mom and dad wrestle all the time. They still do. They watch their old matches all the time on the WWE Network.

Right now I'm in the hospital because of my liver disease. The name is too big and fancy for me to write it down. And I don't know how bad it is exactly. Sorry :/

I hope my grandmother remembers to give you this letter if she actually meets you. And if she does then she's awesome! 

Oh and my mom had told what had happened to your dad, Baron. And I'm really really sorry about that. I didn't watch him a whole lot so I don't remember what he looks like but from what my mom and dad say, you take a lot after him. Meaning wrestling wise. My mom says that you look a lot like your mom. 

And my mom has shown me pictures of when she meet her, and you do look a like your mom, A loooooot like her.

I don't know if you'll write back to me. But if you do. YAY!

From, Tyler Lawrence.'

I was nearly in tears as I read his letter, I almost broke down in the middle of the building. It was mainly at the part of my parents. Especially about my dad.

Ever since he had his motorcycle accident, my mom has not been acting right. Not like, the bad kind of acting. Just sad and lonely. From what she had told me before they had me they have been through a ton and a half. 

A walk inside and locker room and just collapsed on the floor, tears breaking through my tear ducts. 'Why him, God? Why did you have to take away MY dad? My mom's husband?!'

"Baby girl don't cry," An all too familiar voice had echoed, feeling icy cold air brush up against the skin of my cheek. As if it was trying to wipe away the tears that were streaming down my face. I looked up a little higher to see a face. A very very fainted and ghostly, but at the same time a very familiar and heartwarming face.



Okay, that was kind of more depressing that I expected it to be XD Sorry about that I almost made myself tear up at the end there hahaha

Okay but trust me the next imagine, bonus chapter, thingymebobber will be a lot more cheerful. . . OR WILL IT?!!?!? >:D Just kidding it will. I don't think I can handle writing two sad or heartwarming chapters in a row. No no no sir I'll pass on that XDDD

Okie but I'm gonna go write some more, since I can't sleep because of these fucking fireworks going off in my neighborhood >:( So bye bye and Happy 4th of July :DDDD

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