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Author's Note: HELLO. THIS IS MY FIRST EXO FANFIC SO, NO HATING! It would be appreciated if you keep your rude, unhelpful comments to yourselves, yeah? Thanks. Also, my chapters will be short so don't expect 10 pages for each chapter, mkay? I don't have a lot of time in my hands. But I insist, please enjoy this because I'm going to put a lot of effort to this FanFic.


Luhan's POV

"Luhan, you're going to be late again!" Kai screamed through the hallways, trying to get me out of bed. I had slept in since I stayed up late last night, busying myself getting ready for high school.

"Luhan!" Kai yelled once more, opening my door and stomping his feet as he approached me eagerly.

"I'm up!" I moaned through my pillow and perked up only to see angry eyes staring sharply at me.

"It's almost noon, and you're still here." Kai groaned.

"Wait. . ." I paused and took a good look at him. "don't you have school too?" I say with a puzzled look.

"I just came home from lunch." Kai face palmed and left the room afterwards. Then, a sudden urge rushed through my veins and I began to get dress in my school uniform. This must be a nightmare. . . I thought, rushing through my morning routine. I quickly put on my white button up and my stripped neck tie. I grabbed my glasses and put them on. I then filed out the room and quickly brushed my teeth.

After all these moments of rushing through my morning routine, I then began to walk in an alarming speed, hoping to make up half of the day I have missed.

* * *

"Class! In your seats! Lunch time has ended and now—" A loud interruption had urged to stopped the teacher's speech and had every student in the classroom glance from where the noise was coming from.

"I'm sorry I'm late!" I say, breathing in and out as I tried to catch my breath.

"Luhan? You're late." The teacher lowered his attendance list as he slowly faced my direction menacingly, eyeing me as if he were a predator.

"I slept in. . . I'm sorry—"

"Sit." The teacher sighed, whilst gesturing me to seat.

"Now," the teach began as he cleared his throat. ". . . this is why we don't get ourselves late, unless a good reason is to be told. If not, there will be a possibility for suspension." The teacher said sternly, catching him glancing at me from every word he said, making sure I understood his expectations.


Another loud, interruption had seized the teacher from any further explanation. There came strolling in front of the classroom, a boy with golden brown hair, came and said his excuse.

"Sehun, this is the 18th time, I can't afford you doing this such immaturity again," the teacher answered demandingly.

"Tch. . ." the boy with golden brown hair who seems to be called, Sehun, sat in front of the empty space before me.

What the actual hell? Who does he think he is to disrespect the teacher like that?

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