I'll be fine

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Lucy POV
"Lucy are you okay!" They both yelled at me.

"Ya I'm... Fine..." I said as I collapsed. Laxus and Sting both ran over to me. Sting taking the baby and Laxus catching me.

"No your not fine." Laxus growled have you even looked at your self. "Your head is bleeding you have bruises forming on your cheek and there is blood splattered all over your shirt."

That reminded me. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my medicine. I took 2 of the pills and the tightness in my chest immediately eased. I took two deep breaths then looked at the two again.

"How bout this. I will be fine once I get back to the guild and get Porlyusica Lucian so she can heal him." I said with a stern look. "Now Laxus carry me to the guild" I said.

They both sweat dropped at the last comment.


They just shook their heads. Just as we were about to leave Natsu jumped in front of me and grabbed me by the neck. Laxus and Sting stopped in their tracks.

"Give me my son and this bimbo can live." He snarled.

"You are not getting my son" I choked out.

"Shut up!" He yelled as he slammed me into the ground.


"No matter what I'd rather die trying than just hand over my son to the likes of you !" I snarled at him.

"I will get my kid!" He yelled as he punched in the chest. There was a bone crunching snap as I yelled out and coughed up blood, this time not from my disease.

"Stop it!" Laxus and Sting yelled.

"No you don't know what its like to be with out my son because his mother doesn't want me in his life! She has to pay!"

Natsu.... No! I can't feel bad for him him and his psychotic girlfriend tried to kill you Lucy.

"Natsu..." I whimpered. "If I give you my, our son. Then he will fall into the same darkness that you have. Do you really want that?"

Natsu's eyes flashed with many emotions at once. Anger , sadness, understanding.

"No he's breaking free from my spell!" Lisanna yelled as she ran out of the building.

Spell.... No way then that means.... Natsu isn't really himself right now! I can still save him!

"Natsu! Think about what is best for your child. Think about the guild and how sad they were when you left. Think about coming back home to your family!" As I finished I felt the hand releasing me.

Then Natsu passed out.

"No! You little wench he broke free from my spell because of you!"

"Sting! Laxus! Get Lucian to Porlyusica fast. I can handle this!" I said with determination and an evil aura surrounding me.

They nodded but I could tell they didn't feel comfortable leaving my here alone.

"GO!" I screamed. They then took off running from the building.

"Its about time I got to finish things with you Lisanna!" I yelled as I got into a fighting stance.

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