Gahtering Allies

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Lucy POV
When we arrived at Fairy Tail I immediately was surprised by the look of things. The guild was completely torn apart. I looked around in search of survivors until I found all of them in a makeshift camp in the back. I saw Wendy running around like crazy trying to heal people. Gajeel was helping master, Greg and Erza were making a battle plan, Juvia and Mira were trying to serving food and water to the injured and working and while all of this is going on Happy is trying to get Carla's attention.

I walked directly toward master.

"Is this all who survived the ones who are working and the injured? Where's Levy she's usually helping when something like this happens?" I asked while tearing up.

"Yes this is it.... And Levy.... Is dead...." He said while looking down with tears in his eyes.

I looked over to Gajeel and saw him on his knees... Crying... I walled over to him and hugged him.

" I'm sorry that I couldnt protect her.. I'm sorry that I couldn't have been there to help.... I'm sorry!!!" I sobbed.

A loud sob escaped his mouth. I released him from my hug and turned back to master.

"I need everyone who is still able to fight." He nodded and called upon Juvia, Mira, Wendy, Freed, Bixlow, Evergreen, Greg, Erza and Gajeel. They are the only ones able to fight...

"Are you guys willing to do this? I'm not going to force you into this."

"We need to stop this guy nobody messes with Fairy Tail and gets away with it!" Erza shouts.

"Ya lets show him who thisbguysvis really messing with!" Grey yelled.

"I'll do anything I can to help!" Wendy replied.

The Rajinshuu just nod. Juvia and Mira also nod.

We all look at Gajeel who hasn't said a word.

"Gajeel, are you willing to do this?" I asked gently.

"Yes... He's not getting away with what he did." He whispered.

I nod and open a portal to the dragon realm...

"I want all of you to wait in the dragon realm I will be there soon with more help."

They all nod and walk through the portal.

I then teleport to Sabertooth. To my surprise they all agreed to do it. My guess was to avenge Sting. They all went to the dragon realm.

Next I go to Blue Pegasus where Grandeeny and Electra were waiting. They and also gotten a whole guild of allies.

Last I went to Lamia Scale to see how Metalicana and Venom had done. They also managed to get a while guild.

I then went to the dragon realm to start the strategy meeting.

"All right listen up!" I yelled. They all looked my way. "We are going against a very powerful foe. So I suggest if anyone is wearing any limiters they take them off right now." I saw a little less than half take of various items like earring and bracelets.

"Very good! Now does everbody know the plan?" I heard a chrorus of replies all of them saying yes. "Okay now everybody go to the dragons that were sent to your guild! That would be Sabertooth with Weisslogia and Skiadrum. Blue Pegasus with Grandeeny and Electra. Lamia Scale with Metalicana and Venom. Lastly Fairy Tail your with Igneel, Celestia and I."

After I finished I sensed dark magic moving toward my castle and fast. He's in the dragon realm!?

"Everybody get ready he coming!" As I said that the walls came tumbling down. Revealing 1000 demons led by Zeref, Natsu and Lisanna.

I'm hoping to get another update in so let's do this.

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