Coming out

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I got to Uni, got another cup of coffee and headed to my class room. Since I was 12 I wanted to be a musician but no one in my family liked the idea so I ended up choosing fine art as second option. I really liked it but I wasn't sure it was the right path for me.
At 4 pm when classes were over I went home with Frank. When I got there James was in the living room, I decided to sit down with him and maybe chat a bit and get to know him better.
" Hey James" I said smiling. How are you?
"Hey Ally! I am fine thanks. Is that Frank?" He asked noticing my friend beside me.
"Yes. James thinks we are dating" I said talking to Frank and he immediately started laughing.
"Hi James. I have a girlfriend you know? Me and Ally are just friends!"
"You have a girlfriend??" We asked kind of confused.
"Yes" I said smiling to James. "He does, and I am gay."
He seemed really interested in knowing more about it and asked me some questions. I never liked to remember the day I came out to my parents, it always made me sad.

(Flashback 2 years ago)

I was sitting in my bed trying to find the courage to tell my parents I had a girlfriend...but I couldn't do it. I decide to call my father, maybe he will be more understanding. When he got to my room I started talking "I have something to tell you dad"
"What is it Ally? Is everything ok?" He asked. I noticed I was struggling to talk so he decided to intervene. "Do you have a boyfriend?"
"It's not exactly that" I whispered.
"Well, do you have a girlfriend?" He asked laughing.
"That's exactly it" I said looking at my hands.
"Well, maybe you should go to sleep and we can talk about that tomorrow" he said closing the door behind him.
The next day I had a wonderful day, I was bursting with joy to be finally out to my parents. I was so happy that when I go home I was really disappointed to hear my parents yelling in their room.
They called me and I started to feel scared.
"I am really disappointed at you" my mom yelled. "I can't believe you have been lying to us this whole time!"
I was shocked. How could she say that??
The fight went on for hours and I ended up going to my room and I cried all night.

(End of flashback)

I hated to think about that day, it always made me sad and even after all this time they haven't accepted me for who I am.
When I moved here I needed a new start. I needed a new life and I thought I deserved one. But things aren't always that easy.
She was my last girlfriend...two years ago, I've been single since then.

Hi Everyone, I hope you liked this chapter and please leave comments and vote :)

Thank you,


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