Facing my fears

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I kept quiet and after a while Stevie let go of my hand and stood up. I looked at her and grabbed her hand as fast as realised that she was about to leave. I do love her and I feel like our relationship is worth enough to go through all of this. It will definitely be hard and I have no idea how my parents are going to react but she is worth it.
"Don't go Stevie, I don't want you to go.'' I stood up as well and hugged her. ''I can't promise they will like you, I can't even promise they will talk to you because they barely talked to my ex anyway, but I will stand by you and I'll try to make them understand that my sexuality is not a joke or an experiment.'' I put my hand on her cheek and looked into her eyes. ''I'll try to make them see that we are together and we have a serious relationship'' She looked at me like she was gonna cry but of happiness of course.
"I don't know your past and I can't change it but I am gonna stick by your side and help you in any way I can'' She put her nose on mine and whispered ''Do you know why? Because I love you too and I believe in us'' She smiled ear to ear when she saw I was confused. She loves me too? I didn't even say anything! ''I wasn't totally sleeping last night, I heard you'' She kissed me passionately and I smiled in between kisses.
"I really do love you'' I said looking at her with our bodies still pushed together.
"I know princess. Now let's put this apartment a little bit more presentable so that your parents don't think I am a bad influence or anything'' She said laughing.
''If we really have to'' Reluctantly I agreed with her and we started cleaning the place.

''I am so nervous, do they even know you have a girlfriend?''
My parents were about to land and we were at the airport waiting for them.
''Not really, I thought it would be better if they actually got to know you. Otherwise they would probably just decide they didn't like you for no reason or they wouldn't even come at all'' It seemed like a good plan in my head but now that I was saying it out loud it didn't make much sense. Whatever it was too late, I could already see them.
''There they are Stevie'' I said and waved in their direction in hopes that they would spot me in the crowd. Stevie grabbed my hand really hard for a second and then she let go of it. ''Don't freak out babe, I can't promise it will go positively but I'll do my best to try'' I smiled at her and kissed her forehead ''I love you''.

We all hugged and I introduced Stevie to my family and vice versa. I didn't say she was y girlfriend though, not in the middle of the airport, I thought it wouldn't make much sense so I waited until we got home.
''So this is my apartment'' I said opening the door. ''Just make yourselves comfortable''
Everyone got in and sat on the couch. I stood up and I felt like maybe my dad was starting to doubt my relationship with Stevie by the way he looked at us.
''So how did you two meet?'' once my father asked that I knew he had picked it up. I felt Stevie tense up and I felt bad for her, she didn't deserve to do through this again.
''Ok so there is actually something I would like to tell you three'' I took a deep breath and Stevie smiled a bit at me to give me courage. ''The last time this happens it didn't go well but I am expecting better reactions this time. Stevie is my girlfriend''
No one talked for a bit and I decided I should keep going. ''I know you don't approve of this and you don't understand it. However, I am not going to change. I would really like for you to be happy with my choices.'' I looked at my hands and tried to hold my tears. ''When I chose to go to Fine Art you didn't like it but you kind of got used to it. The day I got home with a guitar and said I wanted to be a musician you weren't very fond of it either. When I had my first girlfriend you had a terrible reaction I do not like to remember and when we broke up I was suffering a lot and you were just happy that it was over.'' At this point I couldn't hold on any more and tears started running down my face. Stevie stood up and hugged me while patting my back gently.
''You are doing amazing baby'' She whispered to my ear so that only I would listen.
I held her hand and talked to my family again. ''My life is not a game and I can't just change things because. I could have chose to be unhappy and hide all of this from you, but I chose differently. I chose to be true to myself and to you and I know you don't like all you it but if you want to stay in my life you'll have to learn how to leave with it. I am with Stevie and I would like you to respect her and treat her nicely as you always do with Clay's girlfriends. I love her and she makes me really happy, so please understand that this is me. I am not trying to be different or follow a trend, I am just being my true self. I am sorry I am not the daughter you would have liked to have but I can't do any better.""
Stevie smiled at me and that made me feel better, she hugged me tight and for a second I thought she was about to cry as well, but fortunately she managed not to. She clean all my tear and smiled once more, and when I looked into her eyes I knew the worst part was done.


FOLLOW MY ON YOUTUBE: Kat Purplack AND TUMBLR: itsatrapdontgrowup.tumblr.com



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