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Me and Stevie have been going out for a few weeks now, my life is getting much better and that makes me really happy. My job has been going alright and I am working on a few new musics, over all I really like living here and everything is starting to fall into place. My phone starts ringing and I pick it up.

''Hi Ally, do you want to go out tonight?'' It's of course Stevie, we haven't kissed since that day when she found me and I feel like we are getting along really well so I hope we'll get to officially be girlfriends soon.
"Yes, I'd love to. What do you have in mind?''
"You'll see, I'll pick you up at 10pm. Bye.'' She hang up.
Where were we going? Not knowing made me nervous but I tryed to relax and go on with my day. I was going to spend the day with some friends I made since I moved and that was exciting. I could barely focus on the conversation happening at the restaurant because the only thing I could think was Stevie...I really have something special for her. I decided not to tell anyone about Stevie because I wanted to keep it in the down low so that I wouldn't creat expectacions about her.

''I'm ouside'' Stevie texted me. I got my jacket and ran out the door.
"Hi Stevie, where are we going?'' I said when I got in the car.
"It's good to see you too'' She said smiling while she started to drive away from my house. ''It's a surprise Ally, just wait'' She put her hand on my thigh and kept smiling until she understood that I had frozen. Right away she took her hand off me and focused on the road. After 15 minutes of driving in silence, and through places I didn't know, she parked the car in a dark forest.

"I decided to bring you to a special place that is really close to my heart." She stopped and looked at me "I really hope you enjoy it."
"I sure will" I said smiling.
We got out of the car and she took my hand and kissed it. Than turned around and started walking, never letting go of my hand. Suddenly I started seeing something in the middle of the trees.
"This is the area I grew up in. Me and my father built this treehouse for me to play." She looked at me and she looked nervous "I thought you'd like to come here and see the stars. I know it's not much but it's quiet and...
"I love it Stevie, thank you "I can't believe she brought me here, I feel honoured.
She smiled at me, held my hand tighter and we walked inside. It was a small house of course but very cute. It had a big couch inside and even a window on the roof so that we could see the sky. We sat down and remained silent. I looked up at the stars. I felt really safe on that moment.
"Stevie" I looked at her and kept going "I like you and I know you said we shouldn't rush things but I don't want to be away from you anymore. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Maybe it was too abrupt but at least it's done.
"I brought you here today to ask you that" she said smiling but embarrassed "of course the answer is yes, I really like you too" she looked down in a way that made me smile.
I put my hand on her cheek and looked at her. Then slowly got closer to her until our lips touched each other's. It was a soft kiss but really romantic. I can't believe Stevie likes me...



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