Chapter 15 : Faded To Black

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"We're moving to India"

The sentence kept echoing in my ears until my mom got me back to my senses . I was shocked , would be an understatement because I had never expected a step of such severiorry .

"What do you mean we're moving to India ?" I asked .

"WE as in YOU and ME" her voice echoed in the house as it bounced back to my heart .

"but why mom ? what happened ?"

"because I cant bear to live with a man who has no value of his family  and treats me like a rug , that's why we're packing our bags and moving to India while your father stays here and rots in eternal pleasure "

"yea right ! pleasure is the last thing i'll have without you guys" he said as he kept looking everywhere else but us .

"mom , lets just go upstairs, please " I pleaded so as to prevent a physical fight.

"NO , tell this man to change his ways or we're never living with him again . All these years of mental torture and sleepless nights weren't enough that I have to bear to see your dad go sleep around with another woman while I'm still alive and married to him " she screamed and my wall of fake courage was on the verge of break down as I could feel the tears pricking at my eyes while my stomach started to pain with all the tension around me .

"Dad , why would you do this ?"

" I never did anything , dear . Your mom and you are all I have " he replied . YEAH RIGHT !!

"How could you deny after all the recordings ? Why don't you just admit it ? " I asked back , very much tired and exhausted from this damn conversation.

"I have not done anything " he said as he looked at the both of us.

I could feel my mom boiling with anger as I tried to calm her down by holding onto her forearm and somehow hoping that she'd listen to me and agree to go upstairs .

"mom , please , lets go upstairs ...there's no point in talking to him " I said as I directed my stare to my dad .

Mom gave him a scornful look as she went upstairs and me following right behind her .

I locked the door as both of us entered the room . I joined mom on the bed and waited for her raging anger to simmer down as I held her hand tightly , waited patiently before I asked "Mom , what happened ?"

"what could happen ? you're dad came home late today as well and when I called him during lunch break he wasn't there in his office "

"maybe he had some work and came home late for lunch break , isn't it  obvious he went to the office pantry to have lunch , mom "

"He told me he wasn't going for lunch because he was feeling awfully too full from breakfast hence would be working in his office during lunch break but my intuitions kept telling me he wasn't going to be there that's why I called ...Also , when I called after lunch break I asked him where he had gone to and you know what he said ! He said he hadn't moved from the seat in the past 3 hours " she told me as she proved her point .

Well , there was no point in coming up with different logical reasons for his excuses because there wasn't any reason other than the fact that he had gone to have fun with his personal mistress .

"but mom , how can we just move to India ? its my senior year "

"we'll find a way to contact the educational board and have you transferred there"

"but the subjects are different ,I've taken accounts , entrepreneurship , Web Desingning , English and economics . I'm not going to get this combination there , mom "

"I'll call up the school and ask them " she said as she laid down while rubbing her throbbing head .

I laid down beside her and with time , I saw her shut her delicate eyes as she fell into a deep slumber .

I wished my whole life for a normal family but I knew I wasn't destined for one and there was nothing I could do about it .

Unconsciously , my fingers went up to trace the pattern of my rose necklace . It had become a habit of mine to play with the pendant whenever I was tensed , excited , anxious or even when I was thinking and daydreaming . Must say , I feel like a child who cant sleep with its Barbie at night !

talking about sleep , my eyes started to close with my fingers still latched on to my necklace and before I knew it , everything faded to black .

The next day . my dad had to go to Canada for some association meeting so in the morning he came up to our locked door , kept pleading out his innocence , announced his departure and went right out the door to the taxi that was waiting for him .

By noon , mom was feeling good as we semi-danced , semi cooked our lunch in the kitchen when suddenly we received a call .  you know that feeling you get when you get a call that may not just be an ordinary call but rather a messenger of bad news well this one felt like that to me as with shaky hands I took the call

"Hello ?"

"Alexia , its me Aaron ...dude I need help I don't know what to do ...OH God , Alexia tell me what to do , she's lying here on the floor , not  conscious , with blood...what do I do ?"

"Aaron ..what are you talking about ? Who's lying on the floor ?"

"My Mom "


"Aaron I need you to calm down ...have you called 911 ?"

"Shit ! NO"

"Then call them up , we're on our way"

"yea ok ..." the phone was disconnected

"MOM we need to go to Aarons house ...his moms on the floor unconscious with blood "

My mom turned pale white as she looked at me and digested the news that hit her






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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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