New Year's Resolution

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Tagged by kazuhikonaori .

RL Resolutions:

1. To stop being such an awkward, shy ass and start being more social with people.

2. To try not to cut for a whole year.

3. To stop being lazy and start doing exercises, all that un-lazy shit, bc I gotta try and keep fit.

4. To do better in my grades.

5. To actually start learning songs on my guitar and piano.

6. To stop being such a pessimist, stop over-thinking shit and stressing out over stuff at a young age.

7. To try and be more organized and stop procrastinating.

8. To spend more time with my family and friends.

9. To try and be taller.

10. To stop being nervous and shy when playing basketball.


1. To improve my writing.

2. To improve my writing.

3. To improve my writing.

4. To stop being lazy when editing and actually read through my works properly.

5. To start commenting on authors' works more, other than just voting.

6. To not let Wattpad affect my daily life.

7. To try and not get any haters.

8. To stop being awkward, shy and seem anti-social when first talking to people.

9. To try and make more books.

10. To try and update more regularly.

I'm serious about the first three, okay? LOL.

Anyway, I know it may not even be New Year's Eve at the other side of the world, but I hope everyone enjoys their New Year/'s Eve!

Thanks for the reads, votes, comments, follows and for supporting me during my first year of writing. I hope you'll all continue to support me next year :)!

We all survived through the hella tough challenges of 2k15 - whether it be online or rl - and now we're moving on to 2k16.

We're going to meet new people, face new challenges, have new memories and whatever else the world throws at us. Good luck to everyone next year! Especially school, lool.


Um, there're only 10mins left until New Year over where I live, so

H A P P Y N E W Y E A R !

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