13 (26) Questions

35 8 5

Tagged by HarukaTomoe .

-You have to post all the rules.

-You have to tag thirteen people.

-You have to answer all questions and leave another set of thirteen questions for the people tagged.

-You cannot refuse to do the tag.

-Tag backs are allowed.

-Must be done within a week.

1. How are you feeling?

Depressed, stressed, tired, upset. I'll be fine soon, lol.

2. In each anime, that you like/love at the moment, who are your favorite characters?

Breh, I fell in like/love with previous anime I've already watched again. Dammit.

I'm too lazy to do this one. I've already said my faves in my Q & A, so stf this one, lololol.

3. Favorite captains(s)? From any anime of your choosing.

Imayoshi Shoichi, Kuroo Tetsuro, Bokuto Kotaro, Kasamasu Yukio.

4. Favorite mom? From any anime of your choosing.

Sugawara Koshi.

5-6. What are your opinions on the anime "Kuroko no Basuke" and "Haikyuu!!"?

They're both great anime, characters are funny, cute and such, plots good, et cetera.

I'm too lazy to state my opinions rn, lol.

7. Are you a runner or a walker?

Uh, both.

8. What genre of music do you listen to?

I listen to a huge range of music genres. From pop, to rap, to dubstep, to rock, heavy metal, classical, alternative and more. I think the only one I don't listen to is country, lol.

9. Have you ever fallen off your bed?

Yes, but not anymore. I've always done it in the past, since I moved around a lot when sleeping.

10. Have you ever got smacked with a ruler?

I do it to myself all the time, but softly. I like the sound it makes, tbh.

11. Have any pets?

I have two cockatiels and two golf ball fish.

12. If you were to meet your favorite person (fictional or real) how would you react?

Bro, I'd just be screaming internally and be hella shocked because I got a chance to finally meet them.

13. Love me?

Yes :)

Tagged by kazuhikonaori .

1. Have you ever thought of running away from home?

All the time, lol.

2. What are your favorite things to do when you feel bored?

The same thing I do when I'm busy, lmao. Listen to music, or watch a movie, while doing hw and talking to people, while also eating and drinking.

3. Do you like Taylor Swift? If yes, can you say your reason?

Her songs are pretty good.

4. Your blood type?

I dunno, but I wanna know what it is.

5. Do you know my name? LMAO

Nope, lol.


I haven't measured myself in a while, but last time I measured I was 154.5cm.

7. Tell me 3 hot anime boys you love the most?

1. Zero Kiryu
2. Imayoshi Shoichi
3. Rin Matsuoka

8. Do you ship HinaYachi?

Fck yeah, I do. They're my OTP in Haikyuu!!.

9. Tell me 3 anime girls you hate the most?

1. Yuki Cross/Kuran.
2. The chick with green hair from OPM, forgot her name...
3. Idk.

10. Have you ever thought of being in an anime? Why and what anime?

I have because I just want to escape reality. Real life for me sucks ass. The anime I'd want to be in would probably be Vampire Knight, Magical Warfare or Strike the Blood because they're my favorite fantasy/supernatural anime.

11. Last thing you dreamt of?

Weird... Things...

12. Do you have Tumblr? Can we be friends? :D

I do and ofc we can :) Username's in my bio.

13. What would you say after you answer my questions?

Thanks for the tag? Ahaha.

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