49 Questions

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Tagged by DaisukiProject .

1. Are you a morning person?

Nope, lol. I hate waking up early in the morning, but sometimes I do bc my body clock be messed up. I sleep early, wake up late; sleep late, wake up early OTL

2. Which do you prefer - sweet or salty food?

I like both, but sweet more.

3. Ninja or pirate?

Ninja, yeea.

4. Would you hate spending your day alone? Why?

I wouldn't, tbh. I usually spend most of my days cooped up in my room, anyway.

5. Autobots or deceptions?

Isn't it decepticons? Lool. Idk, I like both, but maybe autobots? Bumblebee is my favorite, haha.

6. What was your favorite childhood television program?

Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon.

7. Are you a collector of anything? Why?

I used to collect those metal thingies from the soft drink cans. Idk why I collected them, lel. I don't collect them anymore, tho.

8. If you could be an animal, what would it be?

I'm stuck between a wolf, a bat or an eagle.

9. If you could have any super power, what would it be?

To be able to control the four elements? Hahaha.

10. What is usually your first thought when you wake up?

Uh... It depends on what the day is and what time it is. I'll either be thinking abut how tired I am, how many hours of sleep I got, wonder what the time is, "crap, I'm gonna be late" or if it was a Saturday, "shit, I have a basketball game today".

11. What do you think about right before falling asleep?

Again, it depends what day and what time it is. I'll either be wondering if I should sleep already, how many hours sleep I might get or if it was a Friday, "damn, I have a basketball game tomorrow."

12. What's your favorite color?

This question... //slams face on phone// I don't have one, I have three. Black, gray and silver. Shades, but sill colors, lool.

13. What's your favorite animal?

I have three, lel. Wolves, bats and Eagles.

14. Do you believe in extra-terrestrials or life on planets?

I don't believe we're the only ones in the universe, so yep.

15. Do you believe in ghosts?


16. Have you ever been addicted to a video/computer game? Which one?

I have, but I can't remember. It was a long time ago, LOL.

17. You're given one million dollars, what do you spend it on?

Family, charity, then myself.

18. Have any bad habits?

Holding the crotch of my pants at times, biting my lip or nail when playing basketball games, covering my mouth with my sleeve, shaking my leg/s because I can't be still.

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