The Random Challenge

40 13 4

Tagged by ShadesOfLemons .

The first letter in your legal name?


Tacos or pizza?

Deyum, I can't choose. Tacos, maybe? Or pizza. I dunno. OTL

Sweet or salty?

I like both, but sweets more.

Favorite chocolate?

Uh, white chocolate, I guess?

Favorite letter?

Z and R.

Favorite color?

I have three. They're more like shades, but they're still colors. Black, gray and silver.

Apple or Samsung?

I like both, but since I'm an Apple user, I'll say Apple.

Day or night?


How many languages can you speak?

I can speak a lot of languages, but they're not fluent and they're mostly just bad words and stuff like that, LOL.

English and Tagalog - I am fluent in these two languages, but I fail at both of them most of the time, I'm cri.

Japanese - I learn them at school, so loike yeh.

Spanish, Chinese, Italian and Indonesia - I can only count in these four languages. I used to be able to speak Chinese, since I learned when I was in first grade, but ever since we moved countries, I forgot everything :')

Arabic, Vietnamese and Samoan - I just say bad/rude, swear words/sentences in these three languages bc of friends and such, lool.

Do you have a love interest?


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