13 Questions

30 7 1

Tagged by mochamilkshake .

Not going to tag anyone because I've already done this in the past, aha.

1. What inspires you to write?

The stuff I watch and read, the stuff I see on the Internet and my readers who comment on my wall and send me messages. It boosts my very little self-esteem, haha.

2. Favorite color?

Black, gray and silver.

3. Favorite food?

I don't have one, it's too hard to choose.

4. Favorite YouTuber?

LizaKoshy, jacksepticeye, PewDiePie, Markiplier, nigahiga, Reaction Time, Bart Baker. There might be more, but I forgot to add them, lel.

5. Favorite emoji?

🔥, 😗, ⛓, 🔫, 🌙, 💦 and 👅

6. Nationality?


7. Spring or Autumn?


8. Last song you listened to?

"Miss Independent" by Ne-Yo.

9. Sport you play?

I play a lot of sports, but the main sport I play is basketball.

10. Current phone?


11. Last thing you ate?

Barbecue and dumplings.

12. Things you can't live without?

Food, shelter, water and money.

13. Bias?

Does it have to be real life or fiction? Lool. I'm gonna just do fiction: Zero Kiryu, Imayoshi Shoichi and Haruhi Fujioka.

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