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Not tagging anyone in this tag, since I'll be tagging them in another tag, which is similar to this one. Just keep scrolling until you see 'Rules'.

Tagged by Shikiorin .

1. First pun you can think of?

I don't have any motivashun to do anything right now.

2. Your dream when you were a child?

To be a photographer.

3. Your current dream?

To be a forensic investigator.

4. What is your favorite word?

Shiruba, to be honest.

5. What was the last book you read? (on WP or irl?)

Wattpad - "Stainless (Knightly!Sadistic!Uta-Nishiki x Reader) [Tokyo Ghoul] by Bry_anime .

Irl - "Goosebumps: A Night in Terror Tower" by R. L. Stine

6. Favorite emoji/emoticon?

Don't have one.

7. To be, or not to be?

That is the question.

8. On scale of 1 to 5, how much do you think you'd laugh if you drew a mustache on your favorite character's face?

Um, does laughing internally count...? Because if not, then 1. If it does, then 3, I guess.

9. The catchiest name you've ever heard of or can think of?

Wakenmalon and Mackurool.

10. The most random things you've ever done?

Jumping off cliffs in Call of Duty? Idk. There was also another thing, but I don't wanna weird you out.

11. Saddest thing you've ever see or that's happened to you?

//has too many to list for both

12. Happiest thing you've ever see or that's happened to you?

//is too lazy to list them

13. How hard is the English language to you?

Eye noe hao too spele butt Engrish iz sew heard

Tagged by kazuhikonaori .

1. What type of personality I have?

You seem like a dandere, but your bio says you're a tsundere, dandere and an introvert.

2. Pizza or burger?

Both, but I like pizza more.

3. First thing you would do and say if we ever meet up in real life?

To be honest, I would just wait until you say something and reply or whatever. I'm painfully shy, so...

4. What are your bad habits?

Splitting my split ends, biting on my thumbnail or lip when playing basketball and covering my mouth with my sleeve.

5. What makes you watch anime?

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