Love Yourself Tag

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Tagged by Takeshimi . (I'm so late with this, bro LOL).


1. State five things you love about yourself.

2. It doesn't necessarily have to be physical.

3. Try not to criticize yourself too much.

4. You don't have to do this challenge if you don't want to.


[I don't think I explained these clear enough because I can't explain for shit, so yeah... Rip].

1. I'm a fast learner.

I'm really impatient when it comes to learning new things, like a basketball move, a song on the guitar, school or whatever, so I really rely on my ability to learn quickly, lolol.

2. I can multi-task.

Why do I like this about me, it's not even good, I can barely finish things. I have a really short attention span, so I end up multi-tasking everything, rip.

3. My metabolism.

I barely gain weight nowadays. For two years all I did was sit around, eat and played four to five hours of basketball a week. I'm surprised my weight only varies from 61-63kg. I'm still fat, though, lel.

4. My ability to jump high.

"I'm short, but I can jump high."

That's my quote, to be honest, hahaha. When I play basketball, I'm always the shortest player on the court, so I try and jump high to fill the gap, lool.

I'm kinda wondering how I'm able to jump high, though. I don't really remember exercising my legs. Maybe  because basketball? Or maybe genes? Maybe it's my first name, LOL. Idk, lmfao. What even am I saying.

5. My voice.

I really like this about me because I have a wide voice range, but I can barely do a high-pitched voice. I can also make my voice sound female or male, lolol. (According to IrisHanniwu , I have an "ikemen" voice).

Also, my voice doesn't really go well with how I look, so I'm pretty conscious when I speak. Luckily I can change it, so yay.



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