30 Facts

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Tagged by DaisukiProject .

Putting some basic facts (that most of you probably already know) because I can't think of anymore facts, aha.

Fact 1: My alias is Silver.

Fact 2: My nicknames are J, JJ, JJ Chips, J**, J**, J** J**, J****, Silv, Shiruba and JC.

Fact 3: My gender is genderfluid.

Fact 4: I turned 14 this year and is in eighth grade.

Fact 5: My birthday is on June 18th.

Fact 6: My nationality is Filipino.

Fact 7: I was born in Quezon City, Philippines and is currently living in Melbourne, Australia.

Fact 8: Countries I have been to are Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Malayasia and Australia.

Fact 8: I am the eldest of four children.

Fact 9: I used to be Catholic, but changed to Christian.

Fact 10: The languages I can speak are English and Tagalog. I am learning Japanese, so I understand a bit. I know how to count in Spanish, Chinese and Indonesian. I also know swear/rude words in Vietnamese, Samoan and Arabic, lolol.

Fact 11: I have black hair and black eyes.

Fact 12: I am 155cm/5.085ft and 62kg/136.7lbs, rip. Look, I grew and lost a bit of weight :') barely

Fact 13: My favorite colors are black, silver and gray.

Fact 14: My favorite letters are Z and R.

Fact 15: My favorite number is 0, but I also like the number 7.

Fact 16: My favorite sport is basketball and second favorites are rugby and American football.

Fact 17: P.E. and sport are my favorite subjects in school (ironic and surprising because lazy af) and humanities/social studies is my least favorite. I like math, too. And science. Don't judge me, please, LOL.

Fact 18: My hobbies include: playing basketball; reading manga, fanfics, books and random things; writing original stories and fanfics; watching videos, movies, documentaries and shows; playing games; practicing guitar and piano; singing; dancing and taking quizzes about random things.

Fact 19: I am someone who used to be out-going, carefree and confident-ish, but stuff happens and people change. I slowly turned into a shy and sensitive person, who has a very low self-esteem and is an anti-social with no confidence in their self whatsoever, rip.

Fact 20: I am someone who has a short attention span. This is why I multi-task a lot and most of the time, can't get much things done lel.

Fact 21: People say I'm way too chill. I'm sorry ,_,

Fact 22: I have so many plots to write for one-shots, but so little time to write them, hahaha OTL

Fact 23: People from my basketball team are moving up to under 18's (bc y'know, too old now lol). My other teammate, who's the same age as me, is moving to another club and I'm here wondering what I should do now. I feel so lost right now, rip.

Fact 24: I'm someone who can't explain things for shit. I don't know why. I'd be explaining a math equation or something to a friend and they'd just stare at the page, probably thinking "tf u on abt."

Fact 25: I'm trying to write more pre-written stories, but I'm too lazy OTL hiatus ending soon, rip.

Fact 26: I reunited with a primary school friend and him and a mutual friend went to this restaurant called Dessert Story today. It's a restaurant full of desserts, ayy.

Fact 27: I'm trying to watch anime again. I watched the first episode of "Days" like a month ago and I'm trying to watch the second. It's all good because I read the manga, hahaha.

Fact 28: I have so many anime and manga to watch and read. I have a list. Wanna see? Lolol.

 Wanna see? Lolol

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I also wanna watch Magi and Phantom

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I also wanna watch Magi and Phantom. All these anime were recommended to me OTL

Fact 29: I'm running out of facts, lel.

Fact 30: I have two more (Number) facts tag after this, rip. Idk what to say about myself, I'm too boring.

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