14 Questions

37 9 1

Tagged by EmpressKei .

1. Relationship status?


2. Creepiest thing that was ever happened to you?

Being in a room full of mannequins.

3. Worst fear?

Clowns and mannequins.

4. Best day of your life?

I don't really remember... It's somewhere in the back of my head, lol.

5. First time you loved and lost?

During fifth grade for both.

6. Do you believe in spirits?


7. Do you play any sports?

I play basketball, do a bit of swimming and running.

8. Do you love to write?

Of course. Well, I guess. It depends, to be honest.

9. Do you have a crush?

One in real life and one online.

10. Do you hate anyone?

I wouldn't say I hate this person, but I just dislike them.

11. Last time you cried?

February 7th, 2016.

12. Worst day of your life?

It's most days, to be honest.

13. Last time you broke someone's heart?

February 7th, 2016.

14. Birthday?

June 18th.

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