30 Facts

35 8 12

Tagged by GraySteel .

Fact 1: I love sports, but I'm ironically to lazy to even, lel.

Fact 2: I wonder why I'm so lazy.

Fact 3: At school, the ninth graders saw me shooting and they started calling me Stephen Curry. //dies

Fact 4: At basketball training, my teammates and coach call me Kobe Bryant. //dies twice

Fact 5: Basketball is the only thing that makes me happy, sad, angry, pissed, etc., lmao.

Fact 6: I started playing basketball when I was 11 and loved it since then.

Fact 7: I played soccer before basketball.

Fact 8: Basketball is my everything.

Fact 9: I love rugby, too.

Fact 10: Weaving through my opponents in rugby is so fun because they can't catch me, lolol.

Fact 11: The first time I played volleyball, I got bruises all over my forearm because I couldn't receive the ball properly.

Fact 12: A week later, I was magically able to receive it without any practice, lool.

Fact 13: I remember in fourth, fifth  and sixth grade, I was always participating in every single sport event we had.

Fact 14: Seventh and eighth grade came and now I'm too shy and unconfident to do anything.

Fact 15: I'm so much more better at weaving than running in a straight line, crais.

Fact 16: Imo, doing butterfly is easier than doing breaststroke for swimming. How do you even breaststroke. //can't do it properly for shit

Fact 17: Sports are all that I'm thinking of rn, idk why.

Fact 18: 30 facts is actually very hard to do.

Fact 19: I'm really awkward with everyone. I may not seem like it, but I am, LOL. It's online, anyway, ahaha.

Fact 20: I'm really, really, really (x10000000) shy.

Fact 21: My metabolism is so fast, it's not even funny.

Fact 22: My friends say that I won't last long in a zombie apocalypse. Reason for that isn't bc from getting shot or bit, but because I need a lot of food, it'll be from starvation, LOL.

Fact 22: I multi-task everyday of my life. I can't focus on just one thing, so I usually take longer to do things.

Fact 23: I brush my teeth while I'm taking a shower, lmao.

Fact 24: I sleep early when there isn't school the next day, but sleep late when there is. What even.

Fact 25: I am so stressed rn, I can't even.

Fact 26: When you wanna talk to your friends because it's been a while since you've had a proper convo with them, but you're awkward and have no idea what to talk about, so you just '-'...

Fact 27: It's hard to believe I'm turning 14 this year, lel.

Fact 28: I've watched/read so little anime/manga compared to everyone else. I've only watched 25 animes and 6 mangas. Everyone else has watched 1738 animes and 679 mangas.

Fact 29: The first anime I've watched was Naruto.

Fact 30: The first manga I've read was My Boyfriend is a Vampire or Eyeshield 21, I dunno.

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