Chapter. 13

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Hey guys, I've been working on it all week but my laptop is broken so I've had to wait until I edit it. I have no clue how it's going to happen yet but there will be a sex scene in this chapter and it will be more detailed than the previous one regarding Jake and Jess. I'm warning you now so that you can take the necessary discretion you need. Here's the chapter, enjoy:)


It's been a long 3 weeks. I've had to cancel shows, interviews and photo-shoots. I had to postpone my tour as my manager said it was for the best. I hate having to do it because I'm always letting someone down and I don't like to disappoint. I can't decide when I'm going to get ill. It's okay if my drummer or guitarist is sick because we can call in a replacement but if I'm ill I can't just send in a look a like. I've had to put my health first and because that's what I've been doing I am getting better. With the help of Danny of course. He's been great, he's been more than great really. He has taken some time off to look after me and help me to get better. He stays with me all day. We don't really go anywhere which annoys me.

"What are you thinking about?" Danny asked me as he straightened out my frown with his fingers.

"Can we go out today?" I wondered.

"Yeah, if your feeling up to it we can," he told me.

"Yeah, I feel fine," I assured him.

"Okay, we will go out. Just leave it all to me," he smiled jumping out of bed and pulling on some clothes. "I'll be back shortly. You make yourself some breakfast and I'll be back before your done."


"I'll see you in a bit," he said before he bent over the bed and kissed me. It progressed into a more passionate kiss than the one Danny had anticipated. Soon we were both short of breath and pulled away breathless. He placed a kiss on my forehead before he left. I sighed when he went out the door.

Danny meet all my needs but one. And that was the need for him. He pretended to be oblivious to the increasing heat between us even at every touch. I knew he felt it too.

I stopped daydreaming and hauled myself from the bed. I pulled my night gown over my shoulders and made my way to the kitchen. I couldn't be bothered making much so I quickly poured a bowl of coco pops and grabbed my tablets. I finished my cereal and just as I was washing the bowl Danny came in.

"It's roasting outside today," he informed me wiping sweat from his brow.

"Yay. I've been waiting for the summer weather for a while now," I smiled.

"It's perfect weather for a little picnic," he replied tapping the bag of stuff he had just set on the counter.

I smiled and went over to hug him. After a few minutes I pulled away and went to the shower. I wore high waisted shorts and a London Boy top tucked in. I put on my yellow converse and my Chanel No. 5 perfume. By the time I was ready Danny had washed and changed into shorts and a t-shirt. The shorts showed his perfectly sculpted leg muscles. He had already made the picnic food and we were ready to go. We walked to a nice little patch of grass beside a lake and Danny placed the picnic blanket under a tree. He sat down and pat the space beside him telling me to come and sit down. We ate our sandwiches in between fits of laughter as Danny was being a dork. He had packed grapes and we took turns feeding them to each other. Soon we were throwing them to see who could catch them in their mouths. Danny choked on a grape and that sent us both into convulsions again. Soon we were just throwing them at each other playfully. It was 3pm and we had been here for 2 hours so we packed up and started walking around the nature walk hand in hand. At the end of the walk there was a park. We went in and Danny pushed me on the swing.

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