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The next day at school I walked into the chemistry lab and scanned the room for Allison, whom I had recently become quite good friends with. I spotted her sitting with none other than Lydia Martin, with her perfect strawberry blonde hair and glossed full lips.

Allison noticed me and immediately waved for me to sit with her.

I smiled and walked to the empty seat, greeting Allison and Lydia before pulling out the chair to sit down.

"What!" I heard a familiar voice loudly from behind me.

I turned to see the voice belonged to Stiles, with a shocked expression on his face.

He looked from me to Lydia and back at me before raising his eyebrows, as if I should have known why he was acting like a psycho.

I ignored him and sat down, facing the front.

"What's his problem?" Allison whispered to me.

I laughed. "I have no clue."

Allison shrugged off Stiles' behavior and lightened the mood with a change of subject. "So are you coming to Jackson's party tonight?"

I opened my mouth and remained silent before deciding what answer I was going to deliver. "Nah, I don't think so." I finally answered.

"Why not! You have to come! It won't be the same without you, Aims." Allison shoved me.

"Look, I'll think about it, ok?" I laughed.

"PLEASEEEEE?" Allison begged like a small child.

"Ok FINE! If you need me that desperately!" we both smiled.

Lydia then turned to face me and chimed into the conversation. "So what are you guys wearing tonight?" she asked.

Before I could answer, I heard a loud bang behind me. "What the hell?" I yelled.

I stood up and rushed to Stiles, who was laying on the ground, next to his chair which had followed him to the floor. I stood next to him and offered him my hand in assistance.

"Thanks." he said.

I pulled him closer and whispered through gritted teeth. "What's your problem?"

He smiled and mirrored my style of speech through gritted teeth. "You're sitting with Lydia and she's talking to you!"

"Yeah! So?" I asked, acting casual.

"So, I-" Stiles failed to decide on a response, so we gave up on continuing the weird conversation and I sat back in my own chair.


"Hey" Stiles said leaning against the locker next to mine.

"Um, hey! Mind telling me what happened back there?" I laughed.

"I'll explain on the way home. I am driving us both back, right?" Stiles asked.

I smiled and nodded, shutting my locker door and proceeding with him to his Jeep.

Sliding into the passenger seat and buckling up my seatbelt, Stiles began to explain.

"I've been like obsessed with Lydia since I can remember. She's like the most popular girl in school."

"Ok?" I said confused.

"So, I was just shocked that you and her hung out." He trailed off.

"Well its only recent. I mainly hang out with Allison, but Lydia's cool." I said casually. "Isn't she dating Jackson, the Lacrosse captain?"

"Co-captain." Stiles corrected me. "And yeah she is..." he seemed more upset than I thought he would be.

I decided to change the subject. "So are you gonna come with me to Jackson's party tonight?" I asked.

"Why would I go? I don't think he wants me there." Stiles was unusually stiff as he spoke and drove.

"Well, he wants me there, and I want you there, so A plus B..." I said.

"Do you really think I should go?" Stiles looked at me shyly from the corner of his eye.

"Yes! Ok? Scott's going! So obviously you're gonna come too!" I said smiling, looking over at Stiles, who seemed as if words were forming, but he was hesitant to say them. "What is it?" I asked.

"Do-" he stopped, then decided to continue. "Do you think Lydia will notice if I come?" he asked nervously.

I softly smiled. "You're whipped on her, huh?"

Stiles stayed silent, but his cheeks turned rosy.

"I can help you get her to notice you, Stiles. She can't get to know you if you hide away from her." I said, reassuringly. "I bet you with a little help, you could even get her to fall for you."

"Help? Help from who?" he asked.

"Uh, me! Hello! I'm the master? Duh!" I said laughing after.

"You really think you can do that?" Stiles asked, hopeful.

"Yeah, I mean it wouldn't hurt to try, right?" I said.

"Right." Stiles agreed.

Just Roomies- Teen Wolf (Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now