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Walking through my bedroom door, I held Amy's hand to guide her. She stumbled every now and then, drunkenly.

I turned to close the door behind me and then faced Amy, who was just standing still, looking at the whole room.

"What?" she noticed me staring.

I looked down and took a few steps forward, before stopping as my name was called.

"Stiles." She whispered.

The sound of her voice whispering my name sent surges of electricity through my body. I turned slowly and there she was.

Her strawberry blonde hair fell perfectly around her beautiful face, as always.

"Lydia?" I walked towards the shorter girl.

She smiled and bit her lip seductively as she placed her hand on my chest and slid it down slowly to the hem of my shirt. "Mhmm." she managed to reply.

With that, she pulled me to her and placed her lips on mine, moving to a perfect rhythm with me, sliding her hand up my chest from inside my shirt- and then pulling away.

"Stiles-" she whispered again. "Please..." she pulled me closer until our bodies were pressed up against each other.

"I- uh- I" I stuttered, failing to form any comprehensible sentences- or any words at all for that matter.

"I..." Lydia nodded slowly as she ran her hands through my hair. "Need..." she continued, moving her lips to my ear so I could feel them up against it. "You..." she completed. I felt every breath on my ear, sending shivers through my body, overcoming me with an urge to press her against the door.

I could swear one more word would break me.

"Stiles." she giggled into my ear. I was a goner.

I pressed her up against the door and smashed my lips into hers as she pulled and tugged at my hair, moaning in my mouth with every bit of pressure I put on her body.

Lost in the girls' kiss, I moved my lips to her ear, fast and sloppily. "Lydia." I said, desperately. I kissed down to her neck, which caused her to arch her body further into mine, if it was even possible.

I sucked and bit on her neck and swept my tongue harshly over the areas I had bitten.

"Lydia- I..." I couldn't continue my sentence, I was lost for words. I moaned into her neck as I buried my face in it, pulling her body right up against me as I gripped her waist, causing her to moan loudly.

I finally pulled away from her neck and went to look her in the eyes.

"Stiles-" she said again... but this voice was different.

I opened my eyes. "Amy?" I said in confusion.

She bit her lip and nodded, pressing her body on mine... hard. "Mhmm." she answered and tugged at my hair softly. "I need you, Stiles." She said as she stared into my eyes.

I looked at her face, her cheeks were flushed and her chocolate brown hair was a mess... a mess I wanted to run my hands in again. I combed my fingers through her hair, pulling it from her face and her eyes. A smile formed across her face, causing me to smile too. She really did have a beautiful smile. A contagious one.

I exhaled and felt a sense of clarity. "Amy." I smiled again and spoke in a sure whisper. My eyes felt wet and my body felt a sense of belonging and comfort entwined with hers. I leaned in and kissed her like I had been longing for her forever. Like we were the only two people in the world. Like all that mattered was that we were together and as close as possible...

I pulled away and opened my eyes to take another glance at the girl I was so lost in.

I gasped slightly as the girl was no longer Amy, but Lydia.

"No!" I said, confused.


I shot up in bed, panting and sweating.

What the actual hell just happened?

I ran my hands through my hair and wiped my eyes. "It was just a dream." I whispered to myself, reassuringly.

"Stiles?" a faint whisper spoke from my left.

I looked at Amy, lying under the thick covers, her body wrapped up like she was in a cocoon. Her eyes were open and they stared into mine.

She sat up and wrapped her arms around my waist as she rested her chin on my shoulder.

"Is everything ok? You're really warm!" she said trying to sound awake, but her voice was cracked.

"I'm ok. Everything's ok now, Aims." I said calmly as I looked at her face.

She smiled calmly and pulled me back to lye down again, next to her, wrapping her arms around my left arm, tracing shapes with her fingers as she stared down at my hand.

"Everything is completely fine." I whispered, still staring at her as she closed her eyes again and her movement slowly stopped until all that moved was her chest rising and falling as she breathed herself back to sleep.

Just Roomies- Teen Wolf (Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now