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His lips were warm and soft against my cold skin, travelling down my neck to my chest- hands making their way up my shirt, feeling my stomach.

"You're so cold, baby." Stiles whispered against my skin, making me shudder in pleasure.

"I wont be for long with you doing that." I smiled down at the boy, who was tugging at my shirt, asking for permission to remove it.

I raised my arms, making it easier for this to happen, and Stiles lifted the material over my head, revealing my bra. His lips travelled to my chest and to my bra, kissing over the thin lace.

His eyes looked up to meet mine in a stare that was so seductive I had to bite my lip from smiling like an idiot.

Stiles' fingers played around with the lace, finally sliding it off one of my breasts, exposing it. His mouth quickly attacked it, sucking it in his warm mouth, massaging them both with his hands.

He let out a moan while his mouth wrapped around me, allowing me to feel his voice echo through my whole body.

I tilted my head back in pleasure, arching my body upwards to Stiles, before reaching down to his face and pulling him back to mine and placing my lips on his, biting his lip.

I entered my tongue in his mouth and let out a desperate whimper against him, causing him to grin into the kiss.

I closed my eyes and opened my mouth against his, feeling his tongue run along mine, teasingly.

I pulled away. "That's not very nice." I said.

"Well, maybe I'm not very nice..." a new voice emerged from the mouth I was just kissing moments ago.

I opened my eyes and Derek's face had replaced Stiles', but this didn't stop me.

Every fiber of my being was lusting after him, telling me that I needed him and that I had to do this with him... But aside from this, I knew deep down that I wanted to.

Without any further thought, I leaned in and kissed the alpha. As his hands travelled to my back and with a pinch, my bra had come undone.

I laughed at this in a soft breath and Derek attacked my lips again, his hands now roaming my front, cupping my breasts and massaging them as he kissed me passionately.

His lips moved to my neck, placing soft, yet wet kisses along the skin, his breath sending shivers through my body. His hands held my wrists down, restricting me from moving too much, only adding more intensity to this kiss.

Derek looked up at me. "You know you want to." he whispered...


I shot up in bed, panting.

My head turned to the right, Stiles lay there peacefully. I didn't want to wake him, so I slowly lay back down.

Just then, my phone lit up from the bedside table and I extended my arm to reach it.

I had an incoming call from... Derek.

"Hello?" I whispered.

"Amy! Thank god! Are you ok?" he asked frantically.

"Yeah, yeah I just woke up..." I answered.

"I know you did. I did too." Derek said. "Same dream again..."

"Oh-" my cheeks turned hot and I felt extremely weird that Derek had, too, witnessed my dream, in which we made out...

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were ok. It was a pretty full on dream, I guess. I just thought you might feel uncomfortable after waking up." he said.

I remained silent for a few seconds. "No, it's not uncomfortable... It's fine, actually. I mean it was just a dream, right? Thanks for checking, I guess." I smiled slightly.

"Ok... Goodnight..." Derek said.

"Goodnight, Derek." I replied, hanging up the phone.

I sat in silence for a few moments, staring at nothing. Why was it that the dream didn't weird me out? I mean, it was me making out with Derek.

Then I was startled by a whisper from my right. "Amy-"

I turned to see Stiles, still asleep, with a moving mouth... no words but my name escaped his lips.

"Amy..." he said again.

"Why is he saying my name?" I thought out loud in a whisper.

Stiles turned to face my side of the bed, eyes still closed, a smile on his face.

I lay down slowly, facing the boy, staring at his face... Watching his lips as they moved once again, letting out "Amy".

"I'm here, Stiles... I'm here." I said, spotting Stiles' arms covering his chest. I reached for his hand and slid it in mine, closing my eyes and falling fast asleep.


"No, it's not uncomfortable... It's fine, actually. I mean it was just a dream, right? Thanks for checking, I guess." I heard Amy say. "Goodnight, Derek."

I stared at the wall with wide eyes. I had woken up at Amy's sudden jump in the bed, however I stayed silent, wanting to hear who called Amy.

To no surprise, it was none other than Derek... calling up and talking about a dream...

The bond they shared obviously had linked them in their sleep yet again, leaving me lying there listening in on their conversation like the jealous idiot I was.

Amy had been silent for a few minutes now and I assumed that she was thinking about him... about the Alpha in which she shared a connection.

I didn't know what it was in me, but I felt a strong need to alert her of my presence. To remind her that I was also here... that I was thinking about her.

So, without thinking, I allowed a single word to escape my lips. "Amy-" I whispered.

She turned to me.

"Amy-" I repeated.

"Why is he saying my name?" she whispered loudly.

Because I'm thinking about you, Amy. I thought.

I rolled my body to face her side of the bed. She slowly laid her body back down, facing me.

"Amy..." I said one final time with a cracked, whispering voice.

"I'm here, Stiles... I'm here." I suddenly felt the tingle of skin-to-skin contact, as Amy had slid her hand in my own.

I waited a few moments before fluttering my eyes open. She was sound asleep, and my mouth spread into a large grin.

I didn't question why she held my hand I just accepted it. All I knew was that this was the best I had felt since the other day in the bathroom, kissing her, and yesterday when she climbed on top of me to get her phone, and we looked into each other's eyes.

"You and Amy have a real bond..." Scott had said to me at school.

He was right, we did... But I was sure that she didn't feel as strongly about it as I did... and she never would...

After all, I was just her roomy.

Just Roomies- Teen Wolf (Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now