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"You seriously need to tell Amy why you didn't get with Lydia!" Scott said to me as I sat in my chair.

I stared at the empty seat in front of me, where Amy normally sat, but she hadn't arrived to class yet. My fingers clumsily turned the pages of my chemistry book as Scott nudged me. "It's not that simple! She doesn't like me, ok?"

"Stiles, she does like you! She told Allison and me. She was so not happy about your date with Lydia." my best friend began.

"Ok, Scott, now I know you're lying, because Amy has been helping me this whole time to get with Lydia. This is what she wanted!" I said frustrated.

"You're an idiot, man." Scott said.

I turned my body to face Scott and spoke more seriously. "Amy and Derek have this weird bond thing happening and he's helping her control her powers, while also being able to see her dreams- and last night while I was out with Lydia, Amy left and went to Derek's, then lied to me about it when she got home. She's obviously not into me, and its clear that with this whole bond thing, she's got no time to think about anyone other than Derek." I said in an aggressive whisper.

Scott's face was shocked. "He can see her dreams?" he asked, squinting. "Stiles- really, you're thinking way too much about it. He's just helping her and she trusts him. So what if they have a supernatural bond? You and Amy have a real bond..."

"I certainly hope that you boys are talking about covalent bonds." Mr. Harris stood over the two of us in our seats. "Mr. Stilinski, where is Miss Wells?"

"Amy's probably just late." I said, and just in time, Amy walked through the door and made for her seat.

"You're late, Miss Wells." Mr. Harris stated the obvious.

Amy stared at him blankly. "Yeah?" she said simply.


"I wasn't feeling too well on my way to class." She answered fast.

Mr. Harris gave her a dirty look. however he ignored her and walked back to his own desk.

I stared at Amy's long hair falling on her back, dead straight and layered. She was missing a jacket, leaving her smooth olive shoulders exposed, causing me to remember witnessing Amy in just her bra and underwear the night before.

Scott observed my fixation on the girl in front of me and laughed a laugh that said. "I told you so." Rather than this, however, Scott's words were: "Yeah, you are an idiot."


Sitting in my Jeep with Amy in the passenger seat and Scott and Allison in the back, I drove silently, which was a first for me.

I couldn't get the mental image of Amy and Derek out of my head... What if something did happen with Amy and Derek? What would happen then? I needed to move on. I needed to concentrate on what I now had that I had always wanted: Lydia.

The vehicle came to a halt, and everyone got out, however my exit from the car was more delayed than everyone else's.

"So this is where it started." Amy crossed her arms, observing the ground outside the old Hale house in which she was bitten and thus, turned.

"If we concentrate enough, we might be able to get a scent off the place, maybe a chemo-signal that can tell us a bit about what happened when you were bitten." Scott said, walking around and observing with Allison's hand in his own. "You know, you and Amy can just wait in the car. I've got this." Scott laughed, shooing us off.

Amy looked to me and I returned the stare, smiling shyly. We made our way back into the Jeep.

"So, when you said that you felt the connection too, what did you feel exactly?" I asked.

"Well, it's like this weird charge. Like, we balance each other out and keep each other from breaking. It was just a really strong moment of clarity, I guess."

"Kind of like seeing someone you like." I said, jokingly, however the joke only backfired and I was now angry at the thought of Amy having feelings for the Alpha.

Amy laughed and bit her lip. "It's weird, I know." she said. "I'm sorry for lying about seeing Derek last night." she said.

"It's ok, Amy. You don't have to tell me everything you do." Stiles said. "I was just worried because I don't trust Derek. He could have killed you when he bit you and I don't want him pushing you too far now that you've turned. You're still learning."

"I know, Stiles. I promise you that he wont. He and I have this understanding, he wouldn't hurt me."

The jealousy flared within me. I had to stop being so pathetic and I needed to focus on Lydia.

"So are you going to see Lydia again?" Amy asked me.

"Yeah, yeah I am." I answered.

"You told me last night that you had something to talk to me about. What was it?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Oh-" it flashed through my mind that I was actually planning on telling Amy how I felt about her last night, before Derek interrupted with his text. I decided to lie. "I was just going to tell you about how Lydia kissed me and all that. Man, it was awesome- she was good." I lied to Amy about what I needed to tell her, resulting in me gushing about Lydia instead.

Amy's face fell.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah..." she trailed off. "So what stopped you from sleeping with her, honestly? I mean it's obvious that she wanted to when she asked you inside."

"I just..." I began, trying to think of an answer. "I was nervous, because it's not like I've ever had... sex... before." I awkwardly said.

"Oh, yeah, fair enough." Amy said. "I can show you if you want." Amy nudged me and winked jokingly.

Yes, please. I thought.

"Guys!" Scott's voice returned from outside the car, as he opened the door with Allison, sliding in the backseat. "It's kind of weird, but I can faintly feel this vibe... it's a combination of lust and power... Just like a Succubus would be."

"Well yeah, probably because there's a Succubus right here." I gestured to Amy.

"No, I mean- the signal is really, really strong. Amy was here just that one time other than now, and when she was here last time she was only human. The bite wouldn't have taken immediate effect while she was here."

"So, why would there be the scent of Succubi here if I hadn't even turned yet?" Amy asked.

I thought for a moment. "What do you think it means?" I asked.

"It means that either there was another Succubus here, or that Amy was already a Succubus to begin with..."

Amy looked at me, worried. "We need to talk to Deaton."

Just Roomies- Teen Wolf (Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now