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"I'll see you later, yeah?" Derek asked Amy.

Amy smiled and nodded, Derek leaning down to place a kiss on her cheek. I ripped my eyes away from them.

Amy began walking straight to me and Derek gave me a nod, which I returned.

We walked in silence back to the Jeep, sitting in the car for a few minutes staring into space before I started driving anywhere... until I decided to break the silence.

"So... that was-"

"Interesting." Amy completed my sentence. I looked up at her and saw her smiling as if about to laugh, but then she went serious for a moment. "I'm sorry you had to see that- Derek and me, I mean." she said.

I paused for a moment, clearly she simply thought I didn't like Derek, she obviously didn't know that I liked her and that was the reason that I shuddered every time they kissed or looked at each other... Except for one moment when they looked at each other...

It flashed through my mind, Amy had pulled away from him and they both looked at each other with vacant expressions, as if they were strangers to one another...

"Stiles?" Amy returned me to reality.

"Right- sorry. No, it's ok. My feelings towards Derek shouldn't stop you from being with him if that's what you want."

"We aren't together!" Amy interrupted, clarifying.

I looked up. "Really?"

"Well, I don't know... Maybe we are? There's something weird going on between us and I guess we're just at a stage where we're still trying to work out what it is." She explained.

I looked back to the steering wheel, starting the car back up. "Yeah- fair enough." I simply said.

Then we drove back home.

When we arrived, Amy exited the vehicle, but I stayed in the car, remembering the thoughts I had last night- and Scott's words, saying I was making a huge mistake with Lydia...

"Are you coming?" Amy asked through the open car door.

"I have to sort some things out. I'll be back soon." I said, looking into her eyes. "I promise."


"So what's wrong?" Lydia looked at me sympathetically.

"Lydia, I have to be honest with you." I began, looking at my surroundings. We sat on the steps of her front porch. "I like you- I really do. I always have... But..."

"But you like Amy." Lydia smiled. "I know, Stiles. It's ok." she said reassuringly.

"Really?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah! I mean, I like you too- you're a great guy and you're really cute, but I think you and I both know that I'm-"

"Not over Jackson?" I completed.

"Yeah." She nodded. "And yesterday after Allison told me about Jackson and Amy making out, I just got so... I don't know... Angry?"

"I know, me too." I agreed. "I just don't think we should be fooling ourselves by thinking its ok for us to be seeing each other-"

"When we love someone else." Lydia smiled guiltily, admitting to her love for Jackson.

"I'm sorry?" I said, making it sound more like a question.

"Me too." she laughed.

After saying goodbye and hugging for quite a while, I jumped back into the Jeep and drove back home.

I parked the car in the driveway and turned off my headlights, getting out of the Jeep.

"Hey Stiles." I looked up, scared by the sudden voice of another. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." she laughed.

"Erica? Hey- what's up..." I said, awkwardly.

"Stiles, I'm lonely." She said, slowly walking towards me. "Derek's always with Amy and Isaac is doing god knows what. I just need someone to keep me company... Someone to make me feel less lonely..." I backed away, leaning against my car, unable to move.

"Erica- I..." I began.

"No, don't talk Stiles. Just say yes..." she leaned in and crashed her lips into mine quite vigorously, pulling me into her with great force.

Just Roomies- Teen Wolf (Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now