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I walked in the front door and immediately made my way back to the bedroom. I was startled to see that the light was already on.

"Mr. Stilinski?" I called. There was no response. I walked slowly closer to the door. "Sheriff?" I asked again, pushing the door open.

There, I spotted none other than Stiles, lying on the bed asleep in the funniest position, mouth half open and his face smushed into the pillow.

"Stiles?" I laughed, crossing my arms. The boy jolted upright as I spoke, in shock. He whipped his head from the left to the right, scared.

"Oh my god! Amy, it's just you!" he ran his hands through his hair, pulling himself to the foot of the bed.

"Yeah, it's just me, don't freak out or anything." I stepped closer and nudged him playfully.

Stiles looked down for a moment laughing, then looked back up. "Where were you?" he asked. "I called you- You're all sweaty." he laughed.

"Sorry, I know... Um, I just went for a walk." I lied.

"Oh, ok." he said.

"How did the date go?" I put my phone down on the bed and walked over to the dresser to find something that wasn't so sweaty.

I pulled my shirt over my head and unzipped my jeans, so casually that I had forgotten there was a guy in the room. I flicked my eyes up to the mirror, spotting Stiles watching me in silence with wide eyes and a tensed body, the way he usually did when he was nervous.

"It was good." he simply said.

I turned around, forgetting I was only in my bra and underwear. "That's all you're gonna say? Stiles, I've been preparing you for this for two weeks, shouldn't you be telling me more than just that?" I laughed, grabbing a baggy shirt and putting it on.

Stiles rubbed the back of his neck and squinted. "Well, when I was walking her to her doorstep, she kissed me."

My heart sank. "Oh yeah? What else?"

"She invited me inside, but I said no."

"Why didn't you go in?"

"Because... well... I didn't really want to go there with her..." he said, staring at me nervously again. "There's something I need to talk to you about."

I lifted my head. "What is it?"

Stiles opened his mouth to speak, but then my phone went off. I had received a text message. He went to pick up my phone and hand it to me, only to pause when beginning to read the message. He laughed. "It's from Derek." he continued laughing. "I never even knew he had a phone."


I launched at Stiles, tackling him on the bed, he continued to laugh.

"Stiles, give me my phone." I said, reaching out to snatch it from him. He pulled his arm away. "Stiles!I" I repeated.

"Come and get it!" he joked, pulling away.

I climbed on top of Stiles as he laughed, reaching again for the phone, but collapsing instead, my body falling on him.

Momentarily, Stiles and I forgot about the phone and he looked in my eyes, our noses accidentally grazing.

"Oh," I bit my lip. "Sorry." I laughed quietly.

Stiles laughed back. "No problem." He reached his empty hand and touched my cheek. "You have an eyelash on your-"

I giggled as Stiles laughed and gently wiped it off my cheek, holding it over my mouth. I blew it away, and the child in me made a wish.

I wish that the reason Stiles didn't sleep with Lydia was because he has feelings for me...

I felt like a kid, making a wish about a boy.

My phone buzzed again, this time in Stiles' hand, startling us both.

Stiles lowered his hand to give me the phone, but his eyes diverted to the screen, revealing the contents of the text from Derek.

Stiles looked up at me again. "Amy, where were you tonight?" he asked me.

I sighed, opening my mouth, but saying nothing.

"Amy, please." he begged.

"I was with Derek." I admitted, exhaling, as if I had let a massive weight fall off my shoulders.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Stiles asked, confused, but surprisingly acceptingly.

"I know how you feel about him, Stiles. I just didn't want you to worry."

"Same time tomorrow?" Stiles quoted the text message. "What happened..."

"He was helping me tonight." I said.

Stiles sighed in relief. "Amy, I've done all the wolf stuff with Scott before, ok? And we can work out the Succubus stuff together, I know we can-"

"Derek already figured most of it out." I interrupted him. "He taught me how to make sure I don't turn into one of those... seductive, enchantress demons again."

Stiles got up from under me and sat crossed legged on the bed, picking at the covers. "What did he tell you to do?"

"I have to turn into a werewolf to interrupt the process..." I explained the whole thing. "And also, there's been some weird stuff happening."

"Like what?" Stiles asked.

"Something happened when he bit me and I turned. It's really rare." I began. "Isaac noticed it and so did Erica, but now Derek and I can feel it getting stronger..." I closed my eyes and inhaled slowly, preparing myself to explain the bond. "It was his bite that awakened the Succubus inside of me. And ever since I kissed Derek the other day when I wasn't... myself... He and I have had this, like, connection. We already had it as Alpha and Beta, but the kiss sort of cemented it."

Stiles laughed. "So you like him now?" He looked hurt.

"No, that's not what I mean. It's a supernatural connection... My powers cant be used to hurt him, because of the connection and because he's the one that bit me. That's why he knew to pull away when we kissed, he could resist the power. He's the only one that can teach me to control it without hurting anyone."

Stiles was listening intently, his expression weak.

"And also, this is really weird... but he can see my dreams..."

"Ok, that part was creepy..." Stiles' face fell further. "But, well- if he's the only one who can help you, then he should."

Just Roomies- Teen Wolf (Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now