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I looked to my side and the world was horizontal, but then I realized it was me who was in a different position. Lifting my body up slowly, I tried focusing my eyes, and all I saw was Stiles, who ran to my aid, helping me the rest of the way up onto my feet.

"Hey, you're ok, Aims." he whispered, cupping my face. I looked in his eyes and felt safe.

"Thank you, Stiles." I puffed out with a weak smile.

Stiles then pulled away from my face and held my hand instead, while he glared at Derek.

"She's not going home to the Sheriff with you, Stiles." Derek crossed his arms.

"Well, what makes you think I'm ok with her staying here with you?" Stiles smirked.

"STILES! WAKE UP! She's not just you're roommate anymore, she's a werewolf and a pretty special one at that! She will kill someone if you take her out of here, and not in the way you'd expect either." Derek lectured.

"What does that even mean? I've kept Scott safe plenty of times and he didn't kill anyone!" Stiles argued.

"No, you don't get it! Amy is different." Derek shook his head, looking at the ground.

"He's right." I let out.

Stiles turned to face me. "What?" he whispered.

"He's right- I remember everything. I heard everything." I glared at Isaac and Derek, who had both kissed me only minutes before.

"What is it, Amy? What did you hear?" Stiles asked, gripping my shoulders and crouching slightly in attempt to look in my eyes.

"She's part Succubus." Derek laughed.

"Suc-what now?" Stiles raised an eyebrow.

"She's like an enchantress. She has the ability to seduce men, leading them to their death, where she'll suck the life out of them while kissing them." Derek explained again.

"Actually, I have a question." Isaac butted in. "Is that exclusive to guys? Or can she do it to girls too?"

"She can do it to anyone." Derek answered.

"But she's still a werewolf-" Stiles tried to fit it together.

"Yes, she just has the powers that a Succubus possesses."

Stiles looked at me and observed my lips, which looked a little swollen and red. "How exactly did you figure this all out?" Stiles' face fell.

Oh, shit, he figured out that I kissed them both...

He turned to look at Isaac, whose cheeks went red as he scratched his head awkwardly, and then he turned to Derek, who wore a smug look on his face.

"Don't get all jealous now." Derek joked. "After all, you're just roomies." He quoted Stiles from earlier, turning and walking away. "Give me a yell when you come to your senses and decide to keep her here." He yelled himself.

Isaac crept away slowly and awkwardly as Stiles followed him with a death stare.

Was he actually jealous?

"So you kissed them, huh?" Stiles laughed half-heartedly.

"I guess so." I followed, laughing weakly as well.

Stiles pulled his hand out of mine, only to rub the back of his neck. "I'm staying here with you tonight."

"What? That totally defeats the purpose!" I argued.

"I don't care! I'm staying! You're my responsibility, ok? Derek has a point and he can help you, but you need someone from your normal life here- to make sure you stay... well, you... unlike before." He laughed.

"Sorry... for coming onto you... in the janitors closet." I giggled.

"It's fine. It was quite an experience." he joked.

Then it hit me- Stiles couldn't stay. "Don't you have a lacrosse game tonight?" I asked,

"Shit," Stiles thought for a moment. "Screw it, I'm staying here."

"NO, you're absolutely not!" I battled him.

"Amy! Ugh, fine! I'll go to the game, but I'm coming back here afterwards." he concluded.

I opened my mouth to talk him out of staying here at all. I didn't want him getting hurt, but I knew it was a useless fight. His mind was made up. So I decided to go with, "Better give Derek that yell now."

Just Roomies- Teen Wolf (Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now