Move maybe?

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"Hey Naruto!" Kohan, the only female in the Akasuki other than Itachi and Kurakyu, called out to the blonde. She was a beautiful girl with short blue hair that had a new origami flower in it each day, her light violet eyes filled with both happiness and concern. "Yeah Kohan?" Naruto called back, "Did you and Kurama have enough to eat?" she asked politely. "Yeah we had plenty" Naruto half lied with his bubbly tone as bright as his hair "-Correction, I had plenty, Naruto skipped his meal, refused to eat, I tried cooking something, but you know I'm a terrible cook, so that wasn't happening," Kurakyu sighed. Despite being older Kuruma was weaker and much more fragile. As if on cue Naruto's stomach let out a growl, like a mini earthquake. "Looks like short stuff missed a meal again ey?" Deidara mocked, "Naruto!" Kohan yelled, obviously annoyed. Kurama looked like she was about to cry, "I-I'm sorry" she said sniffing slightly, "Hey! Don't blame Kurakyu! It wasn't her fault, okay it was me, we didn't have much to eat, so I just gave her my share so she'd have an actually decent meal! I mean what's a missed meal or two anyway, I'm fine" Naruto shot out with a guilt look in his cobalt eyes. "I wasn't blaming Kuruma!" Kohan yelled, holding Kurama gently with her touch like a mothers, annoyed Naruto would even think that's she'd accuse her best friend like that. Naruto and Kurama were like family to Kohan, and the rest of the Akasuki. "Is it the landlord again?" Kohan said with a sigh, "Yeah" Naruto muttered, his voice barely audible, "Yeah it is" Naruto said louder. "Just ditch him, you can always live with Kohan and I, if he keeps bugging you," Pein said, walking up behind them, kissing Kohan on the cheek. "Yeah we have and extra bedroom, or-"Kohan started "If you two aren't comfortable sharing a room, we could move Kohan's room into mine" Pien followed up "Or mine into his, but that doesn't matter" "We have three rooms and there's only two of us, two more shouldn't be to bad" "Our house is pretty big, so we can work something out" the couple alternated, causing Kuruma to giggle slightly. "Well we don't want to be burdens on you guys, and what about rent?" Naruto stated worriedly. "Sweethearts, by no means are you burdens" Kohan said sweetly, "Rent? What rent? I mean we might be murderers, but we aren't assholes," Pein laughed, "What?" Naruto said honestly confused. "That's Pein's way of saying there's no rent short stuff" Deidara translated laughing. "What do you mean?" Naruto was confused, "There is no rent" Pein said, clearing it up. Deidara placed his arm on Naruto's head, "Just no more meal skipping short stuff" Deidara laughed, "Don't scare us like that" Sasori half laughed. "And if we hear you" Itachi started pointing at Kuruman "-Kuru-chan, skipped a meal" she continued before getting interrupted by "Not on my life!" from Naruto. Causing everyone to laugh. Shortly after everyone had a good laugh Kisame ordered pizza and everyone got back to work. Deidara and Sasori took their pizza and walked out to their patrolling duty, on the look out and high alert for any suspicious activity, with Hidan guiding them, guiding them, listening in, ready to report anything. Kohan and Tobi were working on disguises. Kuruma and Pein were searching the web for any sign of trouble, using their skilled, signature hacking skills, while discussing the move. Zetsu was out in the town spying on suspicious people, with Itachi guiding his mission. Naruto was examining the mission board for a way to earn some extra cash, for he and Kuruma.

There you go guys

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