Beautiful sight

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Since I'm pretty sure you guys are getting real tired of my bullshit
Btw sorry
I'm just gonna skip Naruto's point of view for Friday and just skip to Saturday...

Sasuke pov

So I don't know exactly how I'm gonna do this... Maybe I'll just drop the note and the plush by his window and then just bolt. Yeah, that will work. I hope.

After showering, getting dressed, and styling my hair, I slipped out of the dead silent house and began my way to Naruto's.

I hope he likes the kitsune I got him. What if he doesn't though? What if he hates foxes? What if he doesn't like it specifically because I got it for him?!

And now I'm stuck in a hole that I cannot get out of... Shit.

Oh well, here I am. Thankfully I overheard one of Nee-san's conversations with one of her weird friends about where Naruto lived. The question did catch in my mind, why do they know that? Why do they care? Being me, I was just happy for the information so I passed it aside.

As soon as I got to the house I spotted a yellow blob on the second floor. My best guess is that's Naruto, and right now it's my only guess. I snuck up to the space just below the bedroom with the yellow blob, and I started to climb the tree that towered as tall as the house. I climbed up the tree to get to the window and I transitioned from the branch to the roof without looking up, so hopefully I got the right window. When I looked up, my eyes felt like rolling back and flying to the heavens. I saw an angel, a God even, the sexiest God out there. Standing, in full glory, a boy with eyes so blue the sky is envious, with hair so bright the sun stands no match, his stomach with abs like mountain ridges, sun kissed like the most beautiful of sunsets, his muscles shone through his tanned flesh, it was pure beauty. His voice was the sexiest thing you'd ever heard, it was masculine, but not over masculine, it was softer than silk and smoother than perfectly rounded stone. The wind carried it like bad news in a happy town, more like good news in a dreadful town. Not even a bird's song could compare to his beauty. His movements seemed to make the music move with them. The flexibility in his hips that spun the like a bayblade, fiery battle tops that danced as they fought. The way his hands danced through the air and over his delicate flesh. As the song ended he let out s low breath. His hands were up in the air as if he was flying and his feet crossed like a ballerina's, but much more graceful. I was just sitting back enjoying the show, in plain sight, but he didn't even notice me.

A sharp, shrill shriek erupted from the mouth that was just singing so beautifully, I spoke too soon. "Why are you here? How long have you been here? Get out!" the blonde questioned persistently, his tanned face as red as a tomato, and I love tomatoes. "Well uh, um..." I stuttered, his beauty is making my loose my words. "I uh, um... Uh, am here?" I managed out awkwardly. "Well no shit you're here but why? And leave!" he yelled at me, his blush not ceasing. "I came to ask you out?" I stumbled, not really thinking. "L-like a date? Cause if so, no way! And why would I go with you?" he blushed more, if even possible. "F-friends?" I mentally cursed myself for loosing my cool, but I couldn't think, and I surely couldn't put my thoughts into words or actions, around him. "Sure, I guess..." he half mumbled, confused, and I was as well. I shoved the kitsune and the poem in my oversized pocket, and I crawl in through his window.

After all that waiting I'm gonna give you a cliffhanger
I am such a bitch aren't I?
And it's not even a good cliff either. Like bitch what?

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