Did the plan work?

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This chapter is brought to you by Deadpool, drinks, and sadness also a Disney movie called Dadnapped
That movie is why you never mess with a fandom

Sasuke pov

-later that beautiful day-
"So where would you like to go?" I asked the angel beside me. "I don't know... But I haven't eaten yet, can we go get food?" he asked. "It's all on me, what kind of food do you want?" I asked him. After a moments thought, "If it's on you," he started, leaving me to worry a bit, "You should be the one to choose, right?" he finished politely and I let out the breath I was holding. "We could go to a cheaper restaurant, like Ichiraku's, or" I cut him off mid-sentence. "If it's my choice, I already have a place. You coming or not?" I winked at him and blush lined his tanned, whiskered cheeks. "I'm in my way!" he cheered, bouncing after me.

Why has he never been this light or happy around anyone else? Why is he being this light and happy now? "It's not a pleasant story, if your asking" Naruto mumbled, his smile fading a little. "What? Was I talking aloud or something?" I asked "Maybe" he winked, "Or maybe I'm just a mind reader~" he grinned once again. "If you don't want to share it, you don't have too" I smiled lightly. I'm not gonna force him into anything he doesn't want to do. "Aren't you a gentleman? Glad to know I'm not on a date with a rapist!" He mocked me, for I guess speaking aloud again. "It's a beautiful Saturday afternoon, what about going to the park?" he suggested, "But didn't you want food?" I teased. He blushed a light rose, but shook it off with a childish "After food! Okay?" he smiled cutely, like an innocent child, without sorrow or distress.

We arrived at the restaurant, of my choice, with the fluffy blonde a mile ahead of me. "Hey Dobe!" I called out mockingly "what is it teme?" he retorts back. "We're here," I call out, pointing my thumb at the tall, state of the art, exquisite restaurant "This place?" he calls back confusingly, jogging up to me. "No, I'm pointing at the trash can, Duh" I continued to mock him. "Why, you cannibal!" he cried out jokingly. It took me a minute to get that. His beautiful laughter rang out like a bell in an empty mental asylum, even though he just called me trash. The only comeback I had was "Ha ha, very funny," which he also laughed at. "You gonna get food?" I started walking towards the building "Of course!" he called, running after me.

As soon as I open the polished glass door a blast of cool air comes from the massive air conditioner and hits us is the face. Naruto's face looks normal, at first glance at least, but if you look closer, his eyes are filled with n emotion that resembled fear, you could practically see the anxious sweat drops forming on his tanned face, full of worry. "This is way to expensive! I could never afford this!" he whisper yelled at me, "Remember, it's on me? It's okay," I reminded him. "B-but I-I can't let you do that!" Naruto whined quietly. "Of course you can, free food is free food? Right?" I convinced him... At least I think I did, whatever. He didn't really have any time to answer, considering the waiter had just arrived. "Table for two?" the silver haired man asked politely, "Yes, of course, thank you sir" I replied with utmost politeness. Naruto just blushed a deep red, bowed, and nodded his head like a bobble head in an earthquake. Poor boy, but as much as I wanted to feel bad for him, he's just so adorable~! After the waiter took us to our table and handed us menus, the white haired, oddly masked male asked us what we wanted to drink. "Well, I'll take a, uh, um, a Coke?" my beautiful blonde whimpered meekly, "Dr. Pepper," I said, much more confidently. "I'll be back with your drinks" the masked male promised. Shortly after, he returned, after setting our drinks down, the male asked us what we wanted to eat. "I-I'll have uh... This? Please?" Naruto shakily ordered, pointing at an item on the menu, "The usual, Kakashi" I said lamely. "U-usual? You come here often?" Naruto mumbled, not sure if the question was directed at me, I answered anyway, "As an Uchiha, I must eat my own family cooking, it's called 'Uchi-eats' (that is such a childish name, I'm sorry) for a reason, who gave it that name I have no clue, right Kakashi?" I semi-rambled, laughing along with Kakashi, "I have, no clue" the man laughed, "Such a lack of class!" I joked with a fake British accent. Kakashi and I both laughed, while Naruto looked like he wanted to laugh, but felt to out of place to, though I did hear him mumble something under his breath. "I'll be back with your food soon" he smiled, I think, before walking off with our orders.

The silence was awkward, "So, I take it you're not a very social person?" I asked, slicing the silence. "N-not really, sorry" he stuttered, blushing like a tomato. "That's nothing like how you were with those unclassed bastards" I muttered bitterly under my breath, jealousy hot on my tongue. My blonde looked up at me "Did you say something?" Naruto asked me, "No?" I covered up my jealous mumbling.

Kakashi brought us our food and Naruto looked at it with awe. "T-th-this?" the blonde choked out, barely even able to form one word. I took a few dainty bites of my meal, waiting for him to recover from shock. In less than a moment, he picked up his fork, and dove the fuck in. Kakashi, who was still there, for some reason, said "You know? You remind me of someone I once knew... Same sunshine blonde hair, same sky blue eyes, and that same anxious act. Whenever he would go to any restaurant, he would always stare in awe at the food, as if he was having heart failure or something, but as soon as he snaps out of it, he scarfs it all down. Just like you," that got Naruto's attention. "You did?" he perked up eagerly, oddly. "Yeah, he had a son and a daughter, but I don't know to much about them" Kakashi conversed. He's ruining my date, but at least Naruto's happy, I think.

Our date ended shortly after that, Kakashi had another table to wait, so Naruto and I sat in silence. It wasn't even the soft, comforting silence, it was that awkward silence, that hangs in the air like a heavy fog. Anyway, it was getting dark, so I quickly walked him home, handing him the leftovers that I didn't eat.

I walked home after dropping him off, and sulked all the way to my room. I shut my dark eyes and dreamed of bright sunshine.

Am I really in love? What is love? Why am I in love? How?

So, it took a month, but are you happy with the results? Like I said, I'm really sorry for the really slow updates. I don't know why, but everything had just lost its glam. But I hope this adorable date makes up for it

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