Not going into work

365 23 6

Sasuke pov

I stormed home like a raging tornado. How could they be a thing?! How? Why? I am so much better than that mutt!

"I'm not going into work today! Don't ask why! Goodbye!" I growled into the phone rather loudly. I threw my phone on to my bed and collapsed. Realizing I just fell on my phone, I slammed my phone down on the desk and let out a harsh growl.

Why not me?
I am so much better than mutt boy!
What does he have that I don't?

Ugh! It pissed me off.

"Are you not going to your slutty work today Sasu-hime?" my sister's voice rang out.
"No and go away!" I snapped back.
"What's got your panties in a twist?" Itachi scoffed "Sheesh, it's like you guys have weeks!" she rolled her eyes and walked off.

I threw my head onto the pillow and blacked the fuck out.

Fuck it all
Fuck this
Fuck that
Fuck you
Fuck them
Just Fuck

'I cannot fucking sleep. I blacked out for two minutes' I groaned mentally when I looked at the clock.

You know what? Fuck it! I'm going out!

I didn't need to get dressed because I was to lazy to get undressed. I walked fashionably out the door and realized, where was I going with this?

I saw a person walk by licking and ice cream cone.

You know what? Ice cream works perfectly fine!

I hurried off to the ice cream shop because the more I thought about ice cream, the more I wanted it.

As soon as I got to the cheery, cute ice cream parlor my stomach hit the ground, as well as my jaw, I no longer wanted ice cream. I no longer wanted anything.

I need fucking sleep.

Fuck this.

I stormed back home and flopped back on my bed.

They're already that close? Already? Why couldn't that be me?

I mean, I knew they were close, but already that far?

They just announced they were a thing today and now they're feeding each other ice cream?!

My thoughts consumed me as my consciousness fell into the black abyssal void called sleep.

The pole emo and the shy guy (SasuNaru)Where stories live. Discover now