Chapter 9

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"It's getting colder and colder." The one and only manager of Karasuno, Yachi Hitoka said as she stepped out of the gym. The temperature dropped more and more each day as the Christmas became nearer. Tanaka and Nishinoya were yelling everyday how to protect Kiyoko, who was now in collage, from getting asked out on Christmas by dangerous guys and how they did not want to be dateless on the couple day of Japan that the rest of the team had come to annoyed. She breathed out the cold air, and then noticed their setter, Kageyama Tobio, who was walking ahead of her, staring the flock of orange in front of him very intensely. She had noticed that the setter had glared, glanced, stared or whatever you may call it, at the strongest decoy of Karasuno more than he should.

"Kageyama-kun sure looks at Hinata a lot." She said. Tsukishima, who was passing by, snorted at her comment.

"Yeah, he sure does." Yamaguchi agreed Yachi's words.

"The King's just all barks and no bite." The glasses boy said as he laughed. Yachi looked at him with eyes of wonder.

"What do you mean by it, Tsukishima-kun?" Both Tsukishima and Yamaguchi looked at Yachi with what-the-hell faces.

"Eh, Yachi-san, you really don't realize, do you?" The shorter boy asked his friend. He wondered if he should tell her about Kageyama and Hinata. But Tsukishima was faster than him.

"The King's all lovey dovey with that shrimp, you know." He smirked. "Disgusting, isn't it?" Yamaguchi yelled 'Tsukki'.

"Although Hinata hasn't noticed, yet." Yamaguchi added, not noticing the young girl froze on the spot. "Eh, Yachi-san, Yachi-san!"

"Ah, Yamaguchi, I think we freaked out her." Tsukishima was amazed how could both Yachi as well as the object of Kageyama's affection, Hinata himself have not realize the raven's feeling for the short boy when it was so oblivious. It was astonishing that Hinata could be so dense at romance to the point not to notice his crush had been in love with him for a good amount of time. Even as a bystander, it was becoming really annoying watching them interacted.

With a long beep, his smartphone ran. The bespectacled boy took out to find a new mail in his inbox. He opened and read it then clicked his tongue. Yamaguchi glanced at the phone screen and smiled weakly.

"Kuroo-san is troubling you again, huh?" The brunette knew that both the ex captains of Nekoma and Fukurodani had been spamming the younger boy with mails to annoy him, especially asking him about the oddball duo. Yamaguchi himself would not be 100% sure of the state of the oddball duo's relationship if he did not found their mails on Tsukki's phone.

"How lame." The taller boy said. Yamaguchi gave out a weak laugh. Tsukishima was ready to kill anyone who had unnecessarily given one Kuroo Tetsuro his email address. He had tried blocking him but every time Kuroo would come up with another address to the point he gave up blocking. Furthermore, he changing his own address did not help very much. To pour oil on fire, Kuroo shared his email address to Bokuto Kotarou. The two would tell him every little thing from what they eat to their love lives.

"Why can't he leave me alone when he gets to know what's happening with the royal couple directly from his boyfriend's mails?" It seemed that Hinata's choice of love advisor was either Kenma or Sugawara, who also appeared to be the prideful Kageyama's advisor. (Suga is not giving up his mother position to anyone even after leaving the team.) And Kuroo would always check Kenma's mail to get a good laugh of Hinata awkward and clumsy messages. He just did not dare to reply them with stupid messages because angry Kenma was scarier than an angry mother and he would ignore him for weeks. Apparently Kenma really had done this once when Kuroo replied at the time Hinata started asking for advices and Bokuto admitted that it was depressing to watch the cat doing stupid things to make Kenma accept his apology.

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