Chapter 3

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After Oikawa's declaration of his love, Kageyama could not help but aware of Hinata's presence more than ever. Every single second and minute, he found Hinata with him in his mind. It just like he could not let the red head stay out of his sight even for a second. He started to get worried when he did not see him. After practice hour and they went back to their respective homes, Kageyama always wondered what the midget might be doing while gazing at his white ceiling. However, our stupid setter did not still realize that he was seriously IN LOVE with the strongest decoy, called Hinata Shouyou of Karasuno.


The golden week had started so did the training camp. Kageyama was extremely overjoyed, thinking about living under the same roof with Hinata during their training camp. He broke out into smiles (which Hinata and Tsukishima called creepy) every now and then. It was not the only reason for his joy. Nekoma High School was also coming this year for practice matches on the third day of the golden week just like the last year. The thought about the battle of trash heap made him go wild and his blood rushed up.

As usual, the duo fought and quarreled almost every time. Kagayama had to admit that no matter how much he thought about Hinata, the boy was still obnoxious as ever and he was not willing to let him beat him in every single matter. His pride would not allow him to such thing. May be, he probably enjoyed the fact that Hinata was a total weirdo.

And finally, the promised day of the battle of trash heap had arrived. The crows were shaking in excitement. (The same might go for the cats, too.) The absence of former third years and the presence of new first years made both teams' fire power unknown. Yamamoto Taketora had taken over the Nekoma team as the captain and now the first years of both teams were stunned by their captains' friendly action of bickering.

Surprisingly, Haiba Lev was missing. They could not have left him in Tokyo when they were facing their destined rivals.

"Hey, Kenma, where's Lev?" Hinata asked his blonde friend who was on the other side of the net during the warm up section.

"That idiot is in the training camp centre 'cuz he caught a cold when he fell into a lake yesterday." Kenma replied him. Even though his facial expression stayed the same, Hinata noticed a killing aura around the Nekoma setter.

They had a total of four games during that day, despite Kenma's whining and it was a tie since each team won two games respectively. After they had gone back to their campsite, Hinata left the gym with Yachi for a short period. Kageyama did not miss to see that of course. He was on his way to follow them, but Tanaka interrupted and asked him to do some favor for him. About a couple of minutes later, Hinata came back alone without Yachi. She was back when they were about to leave and handed Hinata something which looked like a lunch box.

"Thanks, Yachi-san." Hinata said gleefully.

"It's nothing, but I'm not very good cooking so I'm not sure how it tastes." Yachi said without much confidence.

"Whatcha saying? The onigiris you made the other days were superb." Hinata placed the lunch box in his bicycle's basket. "Guys, please excuse me for a bit." Just like that he paddled away as if he was in a rush. Kageyama was curious. So curious that Chitanda Eru(1) could not beat him in curiosity. He decided to (secretly) followed Hinata. He was surprised to found out that Hinata was going in the opposite direction of his house. After thirty minutes of walk, he finally saw Hinata's bike rested in front of the Sougo training camp centre.

'He went to meet the Nekoma? To practice?' Hinata's enthusiasm in volley exceeded the others, but this was too much. He sneakily went into the building to find out what the red head was doing.

"It's delicious, Hinata!" On his way to the second floor, Kageyama heard the loud voice of Lev.

He went closer to the room where he thought Lev's voice was coming out. Placing his ear against the door, he concentrated seriously not to miss any word the other two boys saying.

"Yachi would be glad to hear that." Hinata replied.

"Thanks. Our team doesn't have any female member and all the boys suck at cooking."

"I figured that much. That's why I asked Yachi-san if she could cook something for you."

Kageyama heard some squeaking sounds of Hinata. "Lev… too tight… can't breathe. Please let me go." Hinata said in a low tone. Kageyama's eyes widen.

'What the hell is Lev doing to Hinata?' Anxiety clouded his mind. Unconsciously, he kicked the door opened. What he found was really unpleasant; Hinata was in Lev's embrace.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, DUMBASS HINATA?" He yelled at them. Hinata's face was completely red. He was panting slightly.

"Ka…Kageyama, what are you doing here?" Hinata asked him.

"What's the meaning of this? I demand answer."

"Why do you so work up? I'm just hugging him to show my gratitude. That's kinda normal in

Russia." Lev explained.

"Russia, my ass! You've never been there so there's no place for you to talk. This is Japan, so act like Japanese! Don't you ever do that kind of thing here?" Kageyama shouted at Lev. The entire team in the building heard his voice loud and clears so they decided to come and see what had happened.

"Oy, Karasuno duo, what are you doing here so late? You should go to home." Nekoma's coach told them. "I'm calling your coach, so wait for him in the lobby." He made the other players returned to their rooms and brought the oddball duo to the lobby. Hinata followed the Nekoma's coach and left the room after shouting Lev a goodbye. Kageyama followed him, but he looked back at Lev without knowing why. Lev whispered a few words. Kaeyama did not hear him, but he could read his lips to know what he was saying. His aura became dark. The raven did not reply a word, but left him, controlling the urge to punch him knock down his smirk.

It did not take Coach Ukai to arrive at the camp and deliver hard blows on the two. He dragged them to their own camp while scolding them.

"What are you doing? Going to other team's camp, meddling with them. Don't do unnecessary things. I'm the one who is responsible for whatever you do during the camp. Remember that in your tiny brains. Seriously!" He scolded them, but both of them were no paying attention to him.

"You're too defenseless. You let your guard down too much. That's why he attacked you." Kageyama whispered angrily.

"Huh, where did that come from? And what do you mean by 'attacked'? It's just a normal way of thanks for Lev." HInata complained.

"Stupid, dumbass Hinata. Dumbass!"

"Anyway, why are you so mad?" Hinata asked him.

"It's nothing to do with you!"

"You're angry with me so what do you mean I've got nothing to do with this."

"It's because you…." Kageyama stopped, gulping back his words. His cheeks were now covered with pale red hue. He looked away. "Nevermind."

"Hey, tell me. Don't stop suddenly."Hinata pouted.

"Both of you shut up." Coach Ukai, who now realized that he was wasting his breath for ten minutes, scolding them, shouted. He was so mad that his eyes were burning with anger.

"Aye, sir." The two teens replied with great scare. Both of them did not say a word after that until they were back to the camp.


Kageyama stared at the ceiling with one hand on his forehead while lying on his futon. Everyone had asleep, including Hinata. Inside his mind, a certain scene flashed back.

"Thanks for the meal. I wish to have more of that." Lev smirked as he rolled his eyes to Hinata. Kageyama grabbed his pillow and threw at the ceiling. Unfortunately, the pillow landed directly on Nishinoya and ended up waking him as well as all the other boys. And with an awkward atmosphere between Kageyama and Hinata during the rest of the week, Karasuno Volleyball Club's golden week training camp had ended.

(1)is a reference from Hyouka. ^_^

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