Chapter 13 - Carnival

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Mia's POV:

# Getting ready for carnival, and boys are on the way home from pack house#


"Ok, I just got a text from Alex saying him and the other boys are almost home, and that we should probably start getting ready" Myanna said setting down her phone.

"Well we better get at it " Maggie said with a sigh.

"Lets all take showers and meet back here in 10 minutes" I said to the girls. They both went off to the other room to take showers.

Me doing the same heading toward the bathroom, and getting into the shower.

#15 Minutes later#

"Just put on some running short and a shirt for now, we will change later" I said and they did as told.

We all started off by blow drying our hair.

Maggie straightened my hair for me. Since Myanna has naturally straight hair she didn't have to do anything. After I was done I straightened Maggie's hair for her and put it up in a ponytail.

I did Maggie's makeup I did a simple shimmery eye shadow, winged eyeliner, and mascara. Maggie did Myanna's makeup which consist of a shimmery champagne eye shadow , mascara, and red lipstick. Myanna did my makeup; mascara, eyeliner, pink lipstick, and some shimmery gold eye shadow.

We all put on our outfits for the night. Grabbing sunglasses and a purse and walking down the stairs.

The boys were dressed in jeans and a t-shirt... typical boys.

"We are ready to go" I said catching their attention.

"Wow! You girls look great!" Chase said checking Maggie out. We all blushed bright red.

"Well lets go!" I yelled breaking the awkward silence.

Dakota grabbed my hand pulling me close, "You look beautiful by the way" He whispered in my ear.

"Thank you" I whispered back. We all took separate cars that way we could get some alone time.

*wink, wink*

We got into Dakotas' black mustang and off we went to the carnival.

I turned the radio on and the song "Sorry" by Justin Bieber started playing and I couldn't help but start singing,

*Singing Song*

"You have a great voice" Dakota said after the song was over.

"Thank You, I really like to sing" I replied to him.

"We are here" He responded to me.

I looked out the window to see the pretty lights of the carnival.

We found a parking spot right next to Chase and Alex's car. We got out and went to the booth to get tickets.

The girl who was selling the tickets looked to be about our age and was totally checking out the guys.

" Can I get six passes" Dakota said paying no attention to her. You could see her struggling to get his attention by sticking her chest out.

" That will be 30 dollars" The girl said to us. Dakota got out a 20 and 10 dollar bill handing it to her, she slide him a paper along with the passes.

I peeked over his shoulder to read what it said and do you want to know what it said, it said...

"Ditch that Bitch, and come with me instead. Call me 253.897.2585 <3 "

"Well I won't be needing this" He said reaping the paper up and throwing it in the girls face.

I couldn't help but laugh at his gesture.

We walked into the gates hand in hand I could feel sparks running throughout my body.

Dakota leaned down to my side,

"You know your very cute when your jealous" He whispered in my ear, while I gave him a little nudge also looking in the other direction because I assumed that my cheeks were bright red.

I heard a deep chuckle that came from Dakota, he seemed to find my embarrassment funny.

"What's First!" Maggie yelled from behind me clearly as excited as I was to ride the rides.

Let me just tell you something about myself I LOVE RIDES! Rollercoasters, big slingshot like things, fast rides, spinney... you get it! I love them all! I will go on any ride as many times as you want.

"Lets go on the Elevator" I hear Chase say, we all agreed and headed in the direction of the elevator.

The elevator is like a regular elevator, except your strapped in to a seat and it goes way faster. The best part is when you go to the very top and then drop 199 ft.

We got seated, and the ride started. We started going to the very top and the ride came to a dead stop, Over the intercom a voice said, "Sorry for the interruption the "Elevator" has unfortunately has came to a stop. Please stay seated until problem is fixed thank you!"

"Well this sucks" I said to Dakota who was seated next to me.

" Ya it does, I hope they fix-" Dakota was interrupted because all the sudden the elevator dropped, I felt like my stomach was in my throat.

"AHHHH!!!!!!!" Us girls screamed together. The boys we clearly not affected at all.

After the ride stopped we got off, clearly.

"Dude, that was awesome!" Maggie yelled clearly pumped.

"Ya I know they had everybody fooled" I said back to her.

"Lets go find some other rides" Dakota said grabbing my hand and getting in another line.

# 15 Minutes of rides#

"Hey I need to use the restroom can I go" I asked everyone as we passed a restroom.

"Sure you girls meet us over at that table, us guys will go get food" Dakota replied giving me a kiss on the cheek and walking away with the other boys.

"Ok lets go, I need to go pee too" Myanna said to us.

After we all were done using the restroom and washing our hands, we where walking out when a hand grabbed my arm.

I was pushed on a wall, I looked to see who it was. It was the girl from the ticket booth.

"Can I help you?" I asked her very annoyed that she had enough nerve to touch me.

"Ya I need you to stay away from that boy that you think is yours" she replied in her annoying voice.

"Do you really think that I'm going to do that" I shouted back at her.

"You will, or I will make your life hell" She yelled back.

"Ok sure you will." I said ever so sarcastically.

"I will watch me, Dakotas my mate and not yours" Her response was a shock to me. How did she know about werewolves?

"That's right bitch! I know about werewolves... because I am one." She said before walking off.

"Watch your back!" she yelled without even turning to look at me.

"Well shit just hit the roof" Maggie said.

Leave Maggie to break an awkward silence.


A very long chapter

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