Chapter 18: I've Been Warned

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November 5, 2012

No more excuses, no more delays. Today, I'm going to talk to Ivan and I'm going to tell him that I like Sadie. And if he's not okay with that... well, if he's not okay with that... then I guess I'm screwed. I don't want to lose either of them. But the worst case scenario is I'll have to choose one.

“Hi, Ivan. So, uh, how's the thing with Scarlett going? Oh, you two made up? Great! That's great. So, there's something I wanted to talk to you about. I like Sadie. Now, how's the college–okay, no, that sounds terrible,” I shake my head as I think of another way to say it to Ivan. I don't know how to even start the conversation, let alone how to steer the conversation to my feelings for Sadie.

As I walk towards our classroom, I feel like there's a ticking time bomb inside of me and the only way to stop it is to tell Ivan the truth. I have to do it today. I made a promise that I would tell him how I feel when I sort things out. I realized how I feel on Friday. I could have dropped by his house before I went to the mall to meet Sadie on Saturday. But I was scared that he wouldn't be okay with it and it would ruin my day with Sadie. I've already delayed it for two days. I can't be scared anymore.

When I open the door, the first eyes I meet are hers. It's not just because her seat is diagonally across from the doorway. It's... it's almost magnetic, you know? I'm drawn to her. And as soon as she sees me, she gives me a smile. I quickly return her smile. I'm about to greet her a good morning when someone else steals my attention.

“Morning, bro.” My head turns to my best friend. His earphones are in.

“Hey,” I greet him as I approach. I sit on the desk in front of him. “How's Scarlett?” As soon as the question leaves my mouth, I regret it. I'm supposed to ask that later, that's supposed to be part of my introduction. But I'm distracted from my thoughts when I see the look on Ivan's face. He shakes his head.

“It's over.”

Okay. So maybe I can delay it for another day.

Lunchtime arrives and Andrew, Jasper, and I are waiting for Ivan to tell us what happened. Just to be clear, this is nothing like how girls talk about break-ups in those romcoms. This is totally manly.

“So, what happened?” Jasper asks, raising an eyebrow.

“We broke up,” Ivan says simply.

“We need more details than that,” Jasper complains.

“Why did you break up?” I ask, rephrasing the question in an effort to get more out of him. Ivan sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

“I cheated on her.”

“What?!” the three of us exclaim simultaneously.

“Jeez, why don't you turn up the volume? I think the principal didn't hear you.” Ivan rolls his eyes at us.



“With who?”

“Settle down, ladies,” Ivan says with a smirk. But we can all see right through that.

“Tell us,” I say. Ivan drops the smirk and looks away.

“Last weekend, at the resort, with some chick whose name starts with a 'V.'”

“'Some chick whose name starts with a 'V'?” I repeat in disbelief.

“Was she hot?” Jasper asks. Andrew's hand hits the back of his head right before I kick his shin. “Ow! What the–it was a valid question!”

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