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You know, I've been really stressed for a while. It's January 14th, today is my last day of vacation. (Probably be later when this published. ) To be honest, I am just thankful that I'm not stuck in snow.

Lemme break this down.

So when I was initially leaving, my flight was delayed while I was boarding. I was stuck in plane that wasn't even moving for about 4 hours. Then the flight actually moved and these bitches charge $4.99 + tax for peanuts and diet coke. Thanks man, thanks. Then when I got on the ship, I saw about thirty cute guys that I couldn't flirt with because my family was next to me or, because they didn't speak English. (One of them looked like YELLOW CRAYON. Another one was named Damien another named James and, our cleaning person looked like Aladdin.) Key West was windy, Cozumel was rainy. Like enough rain to get CA out a drought forever. And today, I think I would much rather take the rain instead of the 60 mph winds. Overall, vacation was fun. I had a good time.

Anyways, the day before I left, I had POTP tournament. Prompt one was about the boredom of waiting in line. Since I love inanimate objects and forte with them I wrote about a spirit being born and it was awaiting it's word/name. Next prompt: "Resolve to bring hope to the world by addressing one it's many issues." Bitch. BiTch. BITCHHHHH. I don't know what the hell this is asking me to do. So I just do what I always do in panicy writing situations, inanimate objects! So I made a character named Hope who brought hope to the world and she realizes that in order for the world to get hope, their emotions must feel so their hearts can heal. (That little rhyme will show up in Grimm Reader sometime soon. And by soon I mean Troye Sivan soon.) So my hands kinda cramping after writing by hand for 80 minutes straight. This next prompt asked me to talk about sending a message to the wrong person through cellphone. Of course they say cellphone. So obviously I wrote about a relationship because it's the 30 minute mark, I'm tired and staring at this cute guy a few seats away from me thinking "How the hell is he writing so fast?" Anyways, I complained to my coach about it and when I get back he'll probably tease me. Also, since he's also my teacher, I had an assignment due that day for him. Yay. So that was that, won't have any idea how I did till Tuesday.

Boys have also been stressing me out, specifically one. We all know who. He's gonna be gone really soon and, ya know for some reason I can't grasp that. I've been flirting, he flirts back but, I don't know, I just need him to motivate me to try. He was the one who would flirt first so it's different for us when I'm the one starting I guess. Sometimes I wonder if I actually like him or if it's like a been there flirted that then realize no I'm in love with an adorable idiot.

School's also been a pain in the ass. When you mix algebra homework, Spanish you can't seem to remember, language arts projects that are too complicated, annoying choir songs, science you don't understand, and social studies that either bores you, can't remember a thing about, or can't focus because the boy in front of you is flirting with you every three seconds, you tend to get another bitch clinging on tour shoulders.

My writing needs help. Enough said.

My family is bothering me about college and marriage. I literally just turned 13.

And last but definitely not least, a lot of my friends and enemies are getting into drama. I thought this year would've been drama free but apparently some people just replace oxygen for drama. I'm not going into detail because I barely know the whole story but, some people are just being cheated and treated so bad. It makes me sad and worried about my friends. (Sometimes I have dreams of like the drama and like it's messing me up. I've had more dreams of drama than of YELLOW CRAYON.)

So yeah, that's pretty much a shorter version of my stress. I am getting stress acne unfortunately. Yup life is, just life. I know it's not as bad as others but, I wish it was less. *sigh*

Bye munchkins.

P.S. I'm stuck in an airport, it's raining, there are crying children, my flight is probably going to be delayed, and I stood in rain for an hour and a half. Yep, by now I'm actually Connor Franta.

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