*Middle finger* This is to you arses who call me a slut for talking to guy FRIENDS or for thinking someone is hot when I'm literally a teen. This is to you motherfuckers who call me a bitch for being a comeback queen and sticking up for my friends. Oh and here's both my middle fingers to those of you who think you know me. Truth is honey, your guesses are probably wrong too.
*Heart shape* This is to all my friends that I can trust with anything, thank you. This is to all my Jemma shippers, Superman lovers, tumblr photographers, and HOA obsessers. This is to my family, sure you guys are nothing but asses but, I still love you, no matter what you say. Last, but not least, this is to that one person.
*Gun* This is to Felicia, Batman obsessers, Demma lovers, The Neighbourhood fakers, Troyler shippers, Brallie cringers, young love ruiners, Dana haters, and rude ass motherfuckers.
*Peace sign* This to everything I'm leaving behind for Chicago. Oh, Chicago. I wonder how many hand gestures I'll see there.