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"Fine I'll get them myself..." he grumbled as he got back to his feet, his towel falling off of him as he picked up the clothes that got thrown on the floor.

"What's up with Sandy?" Two-Bit had walked into his room eating a piece of chocolate cake. He saw Sodapop standing there in just his birthday suit, "Whoa Soda you look sexy" he laughed at his own cleverness.

"Awe shut your mouth Two-Bit. I'm not in the mood for jokes right now" he pulled on his boxer shorts, "Can't you ever be serious? You're freakin' sick for cryin' out loud! Take a nap.." he was growling.

"You should know this by now, Carbonated Beverage. Have you ever  seen me not crack a joke?" he plopped down on the bed.

"Yeah, I should have know better" he rolled his eyes. Soda hates it when he calls him Carbonated Beverage. So annoying.

"So what was up with your girly? She stormed out the door talking to herself. Man, she didn't have any nice things to say about you" he started up laughing again.

"The hell if I know! I just wanted my clothes that's all. Can a guy not even ask for clothes without getting in trouble anymore?"

"Well, uh. A good lookin' guy like you I can't blame her for not wantin' you clothed" Two-Bit smirked. He knew that Soda would hate that too. He just likes to get people riled.

"Oh my God, Two-Bit would you SHUT UP!" Soda turned at him and tackled him, starting up a wrestling match.

Two-Bit got him in an arm bar before Soda could start to get his hands around his neck. That was Soda's go-to defense, choking his opponent.

"You should really try something else, there Dr. Pepper. Maybe that's why you lose all of your fights." Two-Bit was saying matter of factly.

"Don't worry about me. Worry about your own problems like getting a job or maybe graduating before you're 30"

"You and I both know that ain't gonna happen" he cackled. "I like it too much, ain't no way they getting rid of me that soon."

The two boys were still wrestling with each other. Soda, trying to get out of the arm bar in any way possible.

Ponyboy and Johnny came through the door just getting back from school. They looked at each other and laughed at the sight they just saw.

"Um Soda" Pony was still laughing, "What's goin' on?"

Soda was still only in his boxers on the bed with Two-Bit. Two let Soda go and they both sat up.

"He was makin' fun of me!" Soda said a little whiney.

"I was not! I was only cheering you up"

"Ugh, Two-Bit you knew I wouldn't like it but you said 'em anyways. You were makin' fun of me!" he was in tears.

"Awe poor, Sodapop" Pony came and sat next to him. Whenever Soda was sick he just turned into a baby. He gets emotional, over sensitive and cries a lot. There's only one thing to do to make him feel better. Baby him. "It's okay you're just sleepy." he patted his back, "I'll make you some soup and that will make you feel better, huh."

Sodapop nodded with a sniffle, wiping away his tears, "uh huh"

Pony stood up dragging Two-Bit with him to the kitchen. He would only send Soda back  into tears if he left them alone together.

"Sit down" he poured Two a cup of coffee and set it on the table before starting on making Sodapop his soup.

"But mama, I want chocolate milk!" he was joking but he really did want chocolate milk.

"Get it yourself then" Pony wasn't in the mood to baby up two teenagers at the same time.

"Awe, you're no fun. 7Up gets all the breaks"

Ponyboy just sighed as he set down a glass of chocolate milk in front of Two-Bit, then went on with making soup.

Finally, Two-Bit had fallen asleep at the table, face down on a dirty plate. Good. That will give Soda enough time to eat his supper in peace and maybe catch a nap.

He brought it into his room and handed it to Soda who was still crying with Johnny trying his best to comfort him.  "Eat up" he said before leaving the room with Johnny following behind.

Outsiders fanfiction: Two-Bit MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now