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Steve stomped his foot on the ground in protest, "what the hell am I supposed to do?!" The boy whined, "i don't wanna do this!"
Darry put the apron over his head, "have soup ready, clean up after them, and give them what they want if they wake up"
"Awe but man if they wake up they'll make fun of me!"
Johnny spoke up, "it'll be okay, Stevie. I'll take the next shift" he made himself comfortable in a chair.
The rest of the boys were already getting settled in for the night as Steve sat on the counter in his apron and felt sorry for himself as he drank a beer, praying that they wouldn't wake up.
After he finished his beer, he started to get hungry, so he raided the fridge and found a chocolate cake. "Jackpot!" He grabbed a fork and piece by piece he ate it.

Later the next morning Darry found little Steve curled up on the floor next to an empty cake pan, "oh Steve you didn't eat that?"
Steve nodded, holding his stomach.
"Steve....Soda made that cake. It's not consumable"
"I know now..." he threw up, but swallowed it back down. "Ugh"
"You've gotta be kidding me....JOHNNY!" He called for reinforcements. "Put some towels in the tub. Steve is staying there for a while"
Jonny made up Steve's new nest and helped Darry set him in the tub, just in time before he threw up again.
"Good luck, kiddo" Darry sympathized Johnny as he put his shoes on, "i gotta go to work. Pony and Dallas will be here to help"

Outsiders fanfiction: Two-Bit MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now