Chapter 15 - The Conference

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*Sam's P.O.V*

We'd arrived at the conference studio and were waiting to be called in.

"Remember, you dont have to answer every question that's fired at you guys, but try and answer the important ones" Simon told us. Important ones? I've never done this thing before, I don't even know what I'm meant to say. My panic must of spread to my face because Niall gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"You'll be okay babe, you dont have to answer anything if you don't want to" I nodded in response.

"You can now enter" one of the security guards announced, opening the door. Louis and Candice walked in first. They were both on speaking terms but they still had a lot to talk thourgh. Next to walk in was Harry and Emma, followed by Niall and I, behind us was Zayn and Jess and finally Liam and Amelia walked in. Once we all sat down the questions started and suprisingly, they didnt all come at once.

"Samantha, Jordon posted on twitter saying that you always run to Louis when something goes wrong, why is this?" Niall flinched. Well, that's a load of bull.

"First of all, I don't 'run to Louis' everytime something goes wrong. Yes i left the club with him last night. Yes I stayed in his room. But thats about it" I sat back, quite proud of my clear answer.

"Niall, can you explain this picture of you and Jordon" Another reporter asked, a the picture that Jordon posted on twitter came up on the screen. I grabbed Nialls hand from under the table.

"Yes, at the club, Jordon got the bar tender to spike my drink. When Samantha popped to the loo Jordon jumped at the chance and came over. The next thing I remember is being woken up by Harry and Liam and they explained everything". So far, everything was going fine.

"Did you and Jordon do anything? How else did she end up in your bed?" He was drugged, duh. Niall didn't answer the question straight away, he sat and looked thoughtful. Did he and Jordon do anything? Would Jordon even go that far, oh what the heck, Louis 'done' me!

"Next question" Liam spoke up in to his mircophone, Niall seemed to relax beside me.

"Samantha" The same reporter started "How about you, what happened between you and Louis?" I froze and glared at the reporter, what should I say? Should I tell the truth, or should I lie? Niall never answered his question like this. Just as Liam was leaning foward to say 'next question', I answered.

"I'm not sure if anything did happen, I was all over the place and intoxicated. Anything that may of happened was purely down to the alcohol" I saw Louis flinch from the corner of my eye and my heart sank, Niall rubbed circles over my hand and I smiled at the reporter.

"Louis, how's things with Candice? Rumours say you too have broken up" Louis opened his mouth but it wasn't his voice that spoke.

"Louis and I are perfectly fine, we had an arguement, but who doesn't argue? We're both very happy together" Candice answered the question for him.

"The guys have time for one more question, then they have to leave for rehersals" Paul announced, where did he come from? A female reporter cleared her throat, I recongisned her as the pap that caught us outside the chemist.

"Harry is it true you and Emma are expecting a baby?" I saw Harry stiffen, I'm sure he didn't know what to say, Emma leant over to him an whispered something in his ear.

"Yes, I am officially announcing that Emma and I are expecting a child" he smiled. Oh well its better than waiting for rumour to spread when Emma gets bigger. 

"Congratulations" the reporter smiled, Harry and Emma smiled the return. Simon entered signaling it was time to leave. The body guards moved to the front and back of the row and led us out.

"That was easier than I expected" Jess chirped

"Thats because we never got asked any questions" Amelia replied

"I'm tireeeddd" I complained into Nialls t-shirt

"we've got to do a quick rehersal and sound check for tonight, then we can go back to the hotel" he replied, climbing into the car.

"Why do you have to be on tour?" I asked, Niall chuckled

"Why do you have to be selfish when you're tired?" I am not selfish when I'm tierd!

"Yes you are" he smiled, I must of said my thoughts out loud again

"Yes you did", damn I need to stop doing that

"Yes you do".

"Dammit Niall stop it" i joked. We were so caught up in our conversation we didn't relise everyone was waiting for us to get out the car.


Rehersals seemed like it went on forever, but finally we were allowed to go back to the hotel. Half an hour later we'd arrived back and I was first out the car.

"someones egar" Harry said, dirty boy.

"HEY! I'm tierd" I replied sticking my tounge out at him

"Yeah yeah"

"Niall! Harry's picking on me!" All Niall did was laugh

"Everyone always takes advantage of my tierd state" I frowned which resulted in Harry bursting out into a fit of laughter. I just glared at him before walking up the stairs. A few minutes later Niall walked in.

"Nice of you to join me, traitor" I scowled keeping a poker face.

"You love me really" he smirked

"Of course" I replied, wrapping my arms around his waste.

"Love you too, love, go to sleep" and with that I closed my eyes and driffted off to sleep.



I've never watched a conference before so I'm guessing it goes a bit like that.

Short chapter, it was long on word -_-

Not sure when my next update will be :(

Until next time!

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