[Chapter One]

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The sun began to rise over the peaceful valley known as the Shire; where the little folk lived, which were better known as Hobbits. Hobbit's were well known for there love of growing things, gardening, having meaningful conversations with there relatives and friends, they also loved their afternoon tea and consist of having seven meals a day which are: breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner, and supper and were also known to be very resilient. What was not so common among the Hobbit race was having adventures outside the borders of the Shire, they were quite content with there peaceful lives they had, not knowing what was happening in the darkest corners of Middle Earth, except for one particular young Hobbit as she woke up with the sun just rising into the sky shinning down over Hobbiton. Like her, the rest of the Hobbits would be getting up to begin their days routine. The young Hobbit Woman made her breakfast, after she was dressed and went outside to attend to her beautiful garden.

" Good morning Miss Freya." Her neighbour Gaffer Gamgee stated to her as he walked along her fence that surrounded her home.

" Yes it is a good morning." She replied as she smiled to her neighbour and went back to yanking carrots, and potatoes that had finished their growing stages and placed them in her basket.

" You did extremely well this year for your vegetables again." Gaffer exclaimed as he came into her garden examining her crops. " You have harvest twice as much as the Sackville Baggins's.' He stated. Freya let out a little giggle at this. The Sackville Baggins's had been wanting her home as well as her cousin Bilbo's home for years. They were not particularly close to each other.

" Freya! It's Bilbo. Where are you?" A distressed voice of her cousin called out from around the corner of her home.

" I'm in the garden Bilbo." She shouted back, to notify her cousin as he came wondering to the garden and was searching around like he was lost. She gave her cousin a strange look of concern.

" Hello Mr.Bilbo." Gaffer said as he walked passed him and left Freya's garden and went back to doing what he was supposed to, before Mrs. Gamgee would give him hell.

" Bilbo? Are you alright? You don't look so good." She said in a concerned tone, as she continued to look her cousin over.

" No, no, no! I am not alright. I was just approached by a wizard, with a strange proposal; wanting me to join him and some others on a Quest." The Hobbit freaked historically to his young cousin.

" Wizard?...Not Gandalf the wandering wizard that made such excellent fireworks at Old Took on mid summers eve? He hasn't been seen in these parts for years." Freya explained, wondering if her cousin had completely lost his mind.

" No, I am sure, it was the wizard Gandalf, but Freya that is not the weirdest part." Bilbo stated, trying to get his cousin to understand.

" Then. What's the problem?" She asked as she folded her arms and looked at her cousin.

" I can't go on a Quest? It's complete nonsense. Hobbit's do not go on adventures out of the Shire." Bilbo continued to freak.

" What kind of Quest?" Freya questioned, thinking this was already to good to be true and ignoring her cousins continuous cry's of worry.

" Your not listening to me, Freya! I cannot go on Quest, it's not normal for a Hobbit to do this sort of things." The Hobbit explained.

" Bilbo, relax. Who are these others?" Freya questioned, feeling more intrigued by this Quest by the minute. Bilbo shrugged at his cousin.

" I don't know, the wizard never said. He just said he had to inform the others." Bilbo stated as he was confused about this still. Freya was picking her beans that were ready as she thought for a few minutes.

" When is the wizard supposed to be coming back with these 'others'" She asked. Her cousin furrowed his brows and realized the wizard hadn't told him.

" I don't know." The Hobbit replied as he scratched his head wondering if the wizard had told him. The hobbit woman got up from the ground and faced her cousin.

" Tell you what cousin, I'll come over after dinner. I can brings some cookies and we can have tea while we wait for the wizard and the strange visitors that are coming with him." Freya said to her cousin. The hobbit could finally relaxed after being so tensed since he showed up to his cousins house and went home to his garden to keep himself busy, so he wouldn't think about the wizard and his strange off. Freya had moved to her flowerbed and began to weeding. She wished the sky would change to night, so she could go to her cousins. It was the afternoon and she went inside; made herself a cup of hot tea and walked over to her shelf full of books she had read many times about the Mountains, different plains, valley's, forest and lakes of Middle Earth. She grabbed her book about the Mountains and sat in her cozy chair by the fire with her tea and read while her cookies were baking.

As it got closer to dinner time. Freya began chopping up some of her freshly picked vegetables and put them in a pot to heat up as her fish was cooking over the fire in a frying pan. She got her yummy dinner on a plate and sat at the table enjoying her dinner. After she finished she quickly tided up her kitchen; washed the dishes and put them away. She got her plateful of cookies and grabbed her book and headed to her cousins. She climbed up the hill to Bag-end and stopped at the gate when she heard commotion going on in Bilbo's house. Her eyes went wide and she headed up the stairs. Her knuckles wracked on the green door and she waited patiently. The door swung open, revealing not her cousin but two Dwarves. " Who are you?" Freya questioned the two strangers in the Hobbit's home as she listen to the constant clanging and banging of dishes.

" I'm Fili and this is my brother Kili at your service." The two brothers bowed to the Hobbit girl.

" Ah Freya at yours?" She replied back unsure.

" Let the lass come in!" A gruffy voice shouted from way in the kitchen, Freya wondered how many Dwarves were here.

" No, no, no! No more Dwarves are welcome in my house! Go away and bother somebody else!" An angry Bilbo shouted as he came around the corner and went wide eyed when he say who it was. " Oh Freya, it's just you. I thought you were another Dwarf. " Bilbo apologized to his cousin who was still holding her plateful of cookies.

" I take it, I'm late." She said, stating the obvious. Bilbo gave her a tired look.

" Just a little." He replied to his cousin. She held out her plate to Bilbo.

" I made cookies." She stated as her cousin rolled his eyes and took the plate from her and walked back towards the kitchen with Freya behind him, dodging the odd piece of food flying through the air. " Where's the wizard?" She questioned, looking around the room confused.

" He hasn't come, just more and more Dwarves showing up, my pantry cant take anymore Dwarves, they've almost cleaned it right out." The Hobbit stated, trying to stay calm, which he was failing miserably at. As Freya came into the kitchen she saw at-least eight hungry Dwarves and took the plate from her cousin and placed her fresh cookies on the table in front of them. They stuffed their faces with the woman's cookies, as she watched how bad there manners were as more food went flying through the air, making the woman doge it again. The Dwarves had devoured her cookies in seconds as they made there way into the Hobbit's pantry for more food and Freya was beginning to wonder if she was going to have to get food from her place for them. Just then the door bell rang again, making the two Hobbit's share a look as they both went over to the door to see who it was. Bilbo looked at his cousin before opening the door.

" If it's another Dwarf, I'm done." Bilbo stated as he gripped his door firm and yanked it open to reveal not one but five Dwarves. Freya was surprised by all the Dwarves in her cousins home, as Bilbo ran his fingers through his hair when a familiar face revealed Himself.

" Gandalf " Bilbo said flatly.      

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