[Chapter Eleven]

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 As the figure emerged from the bushes and into the presence of the company, he came to a halt and saw he was surrounded by armed dwarves and two mere Halflings. Freya could tell just by what this old man was wearing and his staff in his hand that he was a wizard. The wizards head cocked to the side, when he saw a familiar face.

" Radagast! Radagast the Brown." Gandalf exclaimed as he approached his friend. " Ah. What on earth are you doing here?" The wizard pressed, stepping closer.

" I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something's wrong." Radagast stated, not taking a breath. " Something's terribly wrong."


Radagast opens his mouth the speak, but quickly closes it. He goes to open his mouth again, only to shut it. The strange wizard had forgotten what he was about to say.

" Oh, just give me a minute." He muttered to himself, trying think real hard. " Um, oh, I had a thought, and now I've lost it." The wizard stated, showing his frustration to everyone. Freya bit her lip, watching this old man curiously as she stood by her cousin. " It was, it was right there, on the tip of my tongue." Radagast pleaded to Gandalf, who gave his fellow friend a weary stare.

The wizard sudden curls up his tongue, and had a look of surprise on his face. The company all exchanged strange looks of bizarre since this other wizard had arrived.

" Oh, it'a not a thought at all; it's a silly old..." Gandalf pulls something out of Radagast's mouth. " Stick insect!" The dwarves and the two hobbits look at this old man flustered. The two wizards decided it would be best to discuss matters in private. Freya was watching the two wizards discussing and her cousin looked at her, wondering why she was in such a trance.

" Freya? Are you alright?" Bilbo asked, worriedly as he waved his hand in front of her, making her blink a few times and looked at him.

" Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Bilbo glanced back at the two wizards and then back at his cousin.

" So what are they talking about?"

She looked at him, narrowing her eyes." What do mean, I don't know what your talking about." Freya, quickly said. Bilbo let out a low huff at his cousin's terrible lying skills.

" I know you were reading their lips, you've become awfully good at that when we were kids." He pointed out to her and she half rolled her eyes.

" There talking about some abandon Fortress and I think Radagast mentioned something about a Necromancer." Freya explained and her cousin went wide eyed.

" What's a Necromancer?" Bilbo asked her; looking addled. She shrugged her shoulders.

" I have no clue, Bilbo." Bilbo leaned over to his cousin to whisper something, not wanting the two wizards to hear.

" I don't know about you, but I find this wizard, very bizarre." Freya snickered to herself, shaking her head.

" I don't know, I kind a like his strange ways, makes him different and unique from others of his kin" Freya stated and her cousin nodded, that was quite true although in his mind, he thought this wizard was crazy. The company were suddenly interrupted by a sudden howl in the distance.

" Was that a wolf? Are there- are there wolves out there?" The burglar shouted, as he began to panic.

" Wolves? No, that is not a wolf." Bofur informed as he stood by the cousins looking around. From behind some of the company, a warg appears, and leaps into the midst of the company, going right towards Freya making her stumble back, falling to the ground and Thorin strikes and kills it using Orcrist. The creature fell at Freya's feet, and she felt her heart race.

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