[Chapter Fourteen]

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It was the next morning. Freya was up early as she quickly packed her things. She opened the door and her cousin came out of his room. She noticed her cousin had an unsure look all over his face about leaving like this.

" Come on, let's move. Before the elves try and stop us. " Thorin's deep voice ordered as he came down the hall past the cousins. Freya noticed they were one person short. Where was the wizard?

" Shouldn't we wait for Gandalf?" Freya asked making the leader turn around to look at the woman.

" We don't have time to wait for the wizard, we must leave now. Gandalf will catch up with us later." Thorin stated, sternly. She nodded that she understood and the prince went ahead of the others with Dwalin as they peered around corners making sure their was no elves in sight before continuing on out of the home.

The company followed the path that led out of Rivendell. The cousins were walking together in the middle of the group, when suddenly Bilbo stopped and glanced at the valley that was now behind them.

" Bilbo? Are you okay?" Freya asked as she put a hand on her cousin's shoulder. The hobbit sighed as he had a bad feeling.

" I just wish, we could have stayed longer." Bilbo stated and the woman smiled, knowing how much her cousin had always dreamed about wanting to see the elves and their beautiful home.

" Be on your guard; we're about to step over the edge of the wild." Thorin pressed as the dwarves passed the two hobbit's that were glancing at the home of Elrond. " Balin, you know these paths; lead on."

" Aye. Freya, my dear. Would you like to accompany me at the front of the group? Balin offered, giving the hobbit a smile. The woman smiled and joined Balin's side.

" Master Baggins, I suggest you keep up." Thorin said, when he noticed the burglar was staring longingly at Rivendell. Freya stopped and turned around when she heard Thorin speak to her cousin. Bilbo turned and looked at his cousin and then back at the Valley. He wanted to stay, but he turned away from it and carried on with the others.

Freya and Balin led the company, hiking through the wilderness of Middle-Earth. When night fell the company set up camp near a rocky plain. Bombur and Bofur prepared soup for their supper. Gloin got a fire going to keep everyone warm as the others kept a watch on their surroundings. Dwalin was training with the woman, using the light from the fire. The hobbit had gotten much better with swinging her blade and blocking and keeping her feet firm on the ground as she moved about.

The leader had been watching them curiously as he ate his soup. He could see her smile through the flames as Dwalin patted her on the back and walked over to the pot to get his meal. Thorin watched the woman walk over to her spot with her soup and sat beside her cousin talking. The prince cursed himself to stop looking at her, that this was not the time or place for this. The dwarves and the hobbit's soon fell asleep for the night.

It was another early morning. The company packed up and continued on there way. As the day passed on, the sky became filled with grey clouds and sure enough the rain came down, soaking the companies clothes and their bags. Most of the dwarves had pulled their hoods on to keep the rain out of their faces. Freya welcomed the rain as it hit her skin, making her feel refreshed.

As evening came, the rainfall had become harder and it was blowing and lightening. They were about to cross through the Misty Mountains; the trail that laid before them was narrow and very dangerous, with a cliff on one side and a sheer drop on the other. Thorin had taken over leading the group. If Freya remembered correctly, their was a legend that stone giants have been seen in these parts, but was it true?

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