[Chapter Thirty Six]

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The young woman was heading back to her room after tonight's event. She danced with a few others and even got a dance from her cousin and then decided to turn in for the night. Tomorrow was going to be a long day if they hoped to reach the mountain in time for the door to open.

As she walked the halls, the cool breeze blew through the open windows and she shivered. Freya was just about at the door to her room when someone appeared out of nowhere and caused her to jump. " Thorin. You scared me." She stated, breathing out a sigh of relief that it was just him.

" Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He admitted. The two of them just stared at each other, neither of them saying a word.

" Is everything alright?" Freya finally asked, when he wouldn't speak. He shook his head, realizing he was just starring at her.

" I came to ask if you would like to finish our dance that was interrupted earlier?" He asked, her waiting for a response. She found it an odd request of him.

" There's no music?" She stated with a half smile. The dwarf took her hand in his and placed his other hand on her back and they started moving. He began humming a tone. At first she wondered what it was, but it didn't take her long to realize she had heard it before. It was the song she heard from the first night she met the dwarves in the Shire, when they sang about their homeland. The two of them came to a stop. It was then he noticed the strands of hair that were covering part of her scar across her face. He went to brush the strands away when she turned away from him.

" What's wrong?"

"It's ugly." She pointed out. He didn't have to ask her what she was talking about. He was confused as to why she would belittle herself like that. He moved closer to her making her back up against her door, so she would look him in the eyes.

" Why would you say that?"

" Because it's true." She stated, looking at the ground. He place a hand under her chine, causing her to look back at him.

" You know what I see, when I look at you. I see courage, perseverance, and strength. Don't feel ashamed of your scar, wear it with pride." The dwarf traced the full length of her scare that went all the way down her neck. Hoping he gave her a new prospective. His fingers moved to push the strands of hair behind her ear so he could see every inch of her face and he leaned down and crashed his lips against hers. Her eyes opened in surprise at the dwarf's action but didn't stop him and she pulled him closer to her and he deepened the kiss.

The hobbit's fingers caressed his beard, and soon moved to weave them in his hair.The prince longed to feel the woman's lips on his and he held back his true feelings for so long, knowing he had an obligation to fulfill to his people but he couldn't resist the urge any longer.

Coming down the hall Balin and Dwalin were murmuring to each other when the elder dwarf was the first to notice and stopped. He smirked to himself. " You owe me ten coins brother." Balin stated, waving his hand at him to pay up. Dwalin was about to argue with him, when he saw the prince and the hobbit and grumbled to himself and paid the ten coins to his brother who took the coins and stuffed them safely into his coin bag.

The two brothers left, to leave the two of them alone. Thorin caressed her cheek as the kiss deepened and they both pulled away. Thorin rested his head against hers both of them out of breath, He starred into her eyes. He noticed the exhaustion in her eyes, she was tired from tonight's fest and needed a good night's rest for tomorrows journey. " You need to get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." Thorin insisted. She nodded and was starting to turn when the dwarf pulled her into his arms and she rested her head against his chest and he kissed the top of her head.

She glanced up at him he leaned down one last time for taste and then he pressed his lips against the part of her scar that was above the eye." I'll see you in the morning Freya, good night."

" Good night Thorin." She replied back, smiling as the two of them released hands and the woman went into her room and shut the door. Thorin went back to his room with good thoughts.The prince wanted more, but he knew this wasn't the place to make her, his. Freya smiled to herself before pulling the blanket over her to keep warm and she fell asleep. 

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